I heard about this about a month ago;

Smithfield Foods has been trying to scare us away from restricting its activities at its coronavirus-riddled Sioux Falls plant by warning that any disruption of its vital activities could lead to a meat shortage. Yet even as they lobbied for an executive order from the White House to immunize their facilities from state shutdown orders, Smithfield and other mega-meatmongers have been shipping more pork to China:

About a month ago I got a tip from a reader that a certain cold storage warehouse in Sioux Falls had about 9 months worth of Smithfield product stacked up in the facility ‘awaiting shipment’. I asked this person why don’t they just distribute it already in the United States, especially with some food shortages. His answer, “The labels are in Mandarin. It’s headed to China but are struggling to get it shipped.”

So while I understand supplying food to Americans as essential, I’m not certain Americans risking their lives to pack food for China is essential. It reminds me of the XL pipeline that ships oil from Canada through the US to be put on tankers in the Gulf that go to China.

And we wonder why some of us ‘vilify’ the pork packer.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “As I suspected, a lot of our ‘essential’ food is going to China”
  1. Why is this new information to anyone? They own this company had a Wuhan China with investors for 7 years and they continue to pay the EPA fines all the time! But the fact that they’re taking advantage of these employees and their family is nothing new! So if you’re going and get on board with this then stay on board and make sure they upgrade this 1900 yr facility an implement everything that needs to be done!!! And don’t let up on the city-state nor the federal government to just try and let them stay open for processing!!! Take a hitch stand with our city council for all our dedicated citizens Sioux Falls who work there and want to protect themselves and their families and still get a paycheck!!!!!!

  2. It has always fxxking amazed me, that we let a group of people from a communist country own and run a pork plant in the United States, which produces 5% of our national pork product.

    But then again, former Gov. Daugaard, during a spring 2013 interview on Inside Keloland about his trade trip to China, did claim that the Chinese were just a” little more socialistic than us.” So I guess if they are just a little more commie then us, then it must be okay, huh?

    One of the great faults of almighty globalization is that it allows for our values to be erased.


    ( and Woodstock adds: “Maybe the cold pork is in storage as escrow towards return payments to the Chinese for all of the EB5 green cards they never got”… )

  3. When the national media was doing almost daily reports on the situation at Smithfield (SD), they mentioned that over 30% of what is produced there is shipped overseas.

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