Not sure if you have been over to Bill Janklow’s favorite alternative press website lately, but they changed it . . . again. One of their new features is the staff blogs & guest blogs. I actually enjoy reading them (especially the several posts about negative anonymous people on the internets – NOT). Seriously!? How does that saying go, If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen. Some people may think I don’t care about negative comments on my blog, and they are right, I don’t. The only thing I get sensitive about is negative comments from my friends about me. If you are anonymous, or I don’t know who you are, I don’t give a rat’s ass. Censorship is much worse then negativity, potty mouth, meaness, ignorance or anger. Please keep writing the staff and guest blogs, I enjoy the read, but if I have to read one more post about mean people, morons and cussers, I’m going to mother-fu*#ing puke. (see front page)

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