As you can see about 10 days ago Mayor ‘COG’ handed another demotion to T.J. Typeover, he removed him from the CVB Bid Board. I asked someone why T.J. still continues to keep his job (and pay scale) when he keeps getting demotions. The answer I got, “Because he is probably running Paul’s gubernatorial campaign on the taxpayer’s dime.” No one has seen T.J. in months either, oh that’s right, like many city managers, directors and pencil pushing administrators he’s been ‘working’ at home.

We’ll need to take close observation of the next annual Christmas city hall photo. The proximity of TJ to the mayor in that photo will tell much about what is really going on. #KremlinWatcher
Using an employee for political promotion is unethical but prevalent. If he’ll do a Trump and appoint attractive females, it makes it easier to accept. It’s still unprofessional but the scenery helps. If a ‘Bush on the bus’ comment gets caught, a XXX campaign could get TenAickin elected.
assume you’re a republican for a moment. who do you vote for in the primary, noem or pth? assuming the donald doesn’t whisk her away to washington.
I hope they vote for Noem. So the rest of us can sit back and watch her and Dusty go at it in 2026 for the US Senate. #GetThePopcorn