I will admit when the city posted this on their FB page the other day, I thought it was clever. It also explains why the sanding job they do is so horrible 🙂

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “City Makes Funny”
  1. Naively, they have proven that city services, good or bad, are socialistic. Because we are all socialists, but some just don’t want to admit it.

    Socialism for so called “capitalists” is a sin. But what they don’t know is that capitalism is actually the original sin of economics in the form of greed.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Yah, even the Nazis called themselves socialists”… (“Well, I probably shouldn’t have said that one”….) ….. “….And didn’t Gekko say that ‘Greed is Good’, too?”….)

  2. If Bernie sees this, he’ll snicker with the rest of us. This sort of thing is better than political advertising cost. A Republican backfire?

  3. you guys can take something funny and turn it into something to complain about……mindboggling.

    I have determined my new source of information. I am going to come here, read Scott’s post, and believe exactly everything opposite of what VSG says

  4. Say, ‘taking something funny’, what’s knew at FOX? How about OANN, or NewsMax? Something tells me you love those channels. Because they tell you what you want to hear.

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