To say I am a ‘little excited’ is an understatement. In 2019 the one thing that made it bearable to live in Sioux Falls was the concert series, I think I attended almost every concert and only skipped out early on a couple of them. This is an enormous gift to our community and I encourage everyone to attend as often as possible. The concerts are FREE to the public (that is what makes them special) and present award winning and national and international talent. I am a bit bias as a visual artist I have often been jealous of musicians and love live music. Besides the bike trail, the Levitt is truly a gem in our city. Come join the fun Friday where Ranky Tanky will open the concert series, and many thanks to local director Nancy Halverson, her crew and volunteers for giving us the true gift of art.

2 Thoughts on “2021 Levitt Concert Series starts Friday

  1. "Woodstock" on June 8, 2021 at 11:26 pm said:

    “I wonder what it would take to get Dua Lipa to perform there?”….. “I’d love to see Dua challenge Noem in ’22, too”….. “And I would also love to watch old Noem tried to beat this:……”

  2. "Woodstock" on June 8, 2021 at 11:36 pm said:

    “Oh, and I better change that to ‘try’ before the anti-quotation boy catches it”…..

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