I have argued for years that the Sioux Falls bike trail is unsafe and simple things could be done to make it safer and some wouldn’t cost that much to implement;

Signage. The city has it’s own sign department, so making some simple signs on the trail every ¼ to ½ mile would be very cost effective. They could remind people to stay to the right of the trail, yielding to bicyclists, etc.

Painted Lines. This would cost a little more, but by simply painting a line down the center with directional arrows you could gently remind people to stay in their lanes.

Separate Walking trail. In larger cities they have a separate, narrower walking trail about 4 to 2 feet parallel from the main bike trail. We could do something like this in the higher traffic areas.

Lighting. I have recommended that the trail go 24/7 by installing solar lighting in the darker areas that have tree cover so more people could utilize at night safely.

Electric vehicle enforcement. The police need to do a better job of enforcing this. I ride the trail almost every day during the summer, I will encounter multiple electric vehicles at dangerous speeds. Foot scooters, one wheels, and skate boards doing close to 20 MPH. I have even encountered a couple of smaller ATV’s and mopeds.

High Speeds. To bicyclists and E-Bike riders that like to go fast, may I suggest you ride on the shoulder of a country road. It is not the peds you are zooming by that make the trail unsafe, it is you. Technically the bike trail is really a recreational trail and everyone has a right to it, so if you are training for the Tour De France, do it somewhere else. I do ride my bike on the trail, but I only ride one-speed bikes, so keep my speed down. I also drive defensively.

Clean up homeless camps. I know it is probably hard to see from the trail, but there are several homeless camps, tents, clothing and blankets strewn along the river banks. The city should clean this up and cut back some of the weeds and dead trees.

I have felt for a long time that the bike trail in Sioux Falls is our greatest investment and asset. It is FREE to use, it promotes good health and it is a safe way to commute to work. We have given away almost $200 Million this year in tax breaks to big development, just imagine spending just a portion of that money to improve the trail. That of course would take leadership.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “City of Sioux Falls could make small changes to the bike trail to make it safer”
  1. The bike trail is most definitely our number one asset in the city of Sioux Falls, and long before there was a spray park, an Arc, or village people on the river there I’ve been enjoying it since the summer of ’78.

    In my lifetime, I have seen a Plymouth Duster driven on it (Teenagers having fun), a bear (Billion filming a car commercial with Dave and the old man), a huge buck crossing my path, wild turkeys, a larger animal in the distance with the prowling nature of a cat (mountain lion?), a woman with a parrot on her shoulder (Whatever happen to her?), and a guy who dressed like a Sasquatch and walked along the trail one autumn night (Well, I am assuming it wasn’t a real one). OH, and let’s not forget about the guy I once saw on the trail dressed in 70s jogging cloths dancing most likely to ZZ Top thanks to his 80s Walkman, except this was taking place in the 2000s.

    I have often called the bike trail my Prozac and we are all fortunate to have this asset in our town, and I think your recommendations are very worthy for consideration.

  2. I am sorry, here are a couple more memorable moments on the bike trail over the years. In addition to seeing black squirrels, hares, snakes, possums, and a red fox on the trail once (not the actor), I also once passed a local political leader and their significant other, and the local political leader was walking the trail unknowingly as their rear side of their pantyhose was exposed with their dress shoved into the backside of the pantyhose (I should have had a camera. (New fashion statement, or just making an ass of themselves?)). AND, then there was this once politician, who I came upon a couple times on the trail, who ended up with drug dealing and use allegations against him, who used to always be seen on the trail running with a phalanx of younger male runners around him (Security force? (Else, gee, I wonder why he was so popular?))…. OH, and I almost forgot, I once saw skinny-dippers in the Sioux, too, while on the trail (I tried to not look, too much (Navigable waters? (Federal or state jurisdiction?))) The bike trail: It’s a memory lane.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Say, I liked to hear more about this Sasquatch guy”… “Can you hire him for parties?”… (“Maybe the 70s jogger guy will show up, too”…))

  3. The bike trails are something the city has become known for. It’s the one thing they’ve done right that benefits the general public. Certain common sense courtesy should be observed but turning them into roadway would destroy the natural atmosphere. Electric bikes are really motorcycles with speeds up to 40 mph. There may come a time when they should be restricted to streets only.

  4. What about pogo sticks? Do they still make them? Should they be legal on the trail as well? #ElectricPogoSticks

  5. VSG, FLSF,WS, etc etc.

    Never anything thoughtful just attempts at humor that fall well short of funny.

  6. Say, I appreciate the constructive criticism Ace. Constructive, right? Thanks again. AND tell MP, the anti-quotation boy, etc etc hello from me. Oh, and remember to stay in doors on smoky days. #ConstructiveAdvice

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