That a comedian asks the tough questions in the MSM.

I’m with Stewart on this one, I am thoroughly disgusted with people like Cramer, they should be sharing a jail cell with Madoff. As Stewart said, “The economy isn’t a fucking game.”

By l3wis

19 thoughts on “How sad it is . . .”
  1. There are so many problems here it’s tough to begin. Rotten news to no news, to the wrong news, to propaganda news is the predictable result when entities that are supposed to provide news are owned by capitalistic right wing leaning sales folks like GE, Disney, etc. They not only cannot separate news from marketing – but they propagandized marketing as news. Bernays would be proud.

    9000 business journalists blew warning and calling out the economic debacle of a lifetime. Great public service they provided, eh? Their cousins over at the (not-so-hard) news desk were just as guilty with their warmongering and cheerleading pre-Iraq invasion and palm-frond waving occupation.

    Anyone relying on the US or SD mainstream media for news or business news; is a willfully blind fool.

  2. Here are all three parts of the Cramer interview. Trillions in retirement money have gone down the memory hole, and all we have to show for it is guys like cramer who like a deer in headlights.

    This is what pisses me off about our media. WHY do I have to come to a blog like this to find out what is shaping our city and state, and to a god damned comedy channel to find a “journalist” who does not throw softballs?

  3. l3wis.

    Speaking of media, I have a comment I’d like to share with you about yours. Your subject matter is great. You have a group of responders that are informative and can say whatever they damn well please, unlike other places, and the cartoons speak for themselves.


    what I find distracting is just this one little flaw. Your front page is only 10 topics long, and once a topic rolls over onto page two, it seems like it might as well have been memory holed. Rarely do I see anything being further discussed once it scrolls off your front page. There’s stuff back there that could provide days of commentary.

    Is there a way, thru your software, you can make the latest comment park itself at the head of your front page, and so on, and so on?

  4. Warren, you’re so practical it makes me want to puke… or it could be the vodka… we’re not sure.
    Its a great idea, and I second it wholeheartedly.

  5. Do NOT tell Mrs. Dude about the shock collar. There’s no telling where she’d make me put it.

  6. I don’t know what is a worse mental image? Dude’s balls wrapped in a shock collar or two old people sucking face at a bowling alley?

    And that GIF you linked isn’t helping matters either.

  7. Oh…and the guy in the gif? That’s the dudes doubles partner. Rumor has it they placed in All Events at last years state bowling tournament.

  8. Well heck if we are suggesting changes for the site, here are my 2 pennies worth.

    First, when I click on the banner at the top I’d like it to take me to the first blog page. That is just routine stuff so if a person is three our four pages back it takes them to the top of the stack so to speak.

    Second, I think most people these days are running resolutions greater than 1024×768, so making the format a tad wider than it is now could eliminate a lot of the scrolling up and down.

    Third, although the list of categories on the right hand side is nifty, it would actually be more beneficial to have a list of the most recent posts (titles only) to allow for jumping back and forth quickly instead of trying to remember what tags were on that post or trying to remember what date it was written.

    Granted this is your site and can do whatever the heck you choose, but I just think it would help make it more user-friendly.

  9. …Third, although the list of categories on the right hand side is nifty, it would actually be more beneficial to have a list of the most recent posts (titles only) to allow for jumping back and forth quickly instead of trying to remember what tags were on that post or trying to remember what date it was written…

    That would work. Good idea.

  10. And to the comments about the format of this blog: I get here through the SDWC Blogosphere links. When the headline disappears from the SWDC list, I don’t bother with it anymore.

  11. Aw gee. Wassa matter? Can’t stand it when somebody challenges your lowlife drivel?

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