One ballot question that will appear on the Spring city election ballot is salary increases for the city council and the mayor. Did you know they already automatically get them based on inflation? That would mean the mayor and city council will receive a 7.5% pay increase this year without voter approval.

I think with the fiasco over giving the city union employees such a dismal COLA last Fall during the union negotiations and trying to make nice right before an election with a vote bribe bonus says all we need to know about what our mayor and city council deserve for a raise, ZILCH. Not to mention that the council sponsors of this ridiculous and tone deaf measure based the Mayor’s salary on $1 per person. Now that is doing your due diligence Councilor Marshmallow Selfish. It did get amended and reduced, but it is still NOT needed.

I’m sure there will be more discussion and debate about this question once the ballot is official, but I wanted to give a head’s up before you vote. Also ask ALL the candidates running if they support it and why or why not.

By l3wis

One thought on “VOTE NO on Council & Mayor salary increases”
  1. But with a new raise, he could probably buy a new trucker hat.

    (“Yes, I am looking for a hat to wear to tornado events”… “Do you have any of those Janklow/Spencer hats left?”…)

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