Please share if you are around SF. The sign was stolen from Terrace Park last week. I’m hoping someone here can help us get it back. I am (Aaron) putting up $100 for information that leads to its retrieval, no questions asked. We all have done dumb stuff in our lives, and I would chalk this theft as dumb stuff. The sign is about 2 feet by 3 feet and has a picture of the Phillips House on it. It should be recognizable. If anyone has any information, please reach out. We just want the sign back where it should be.

You can Message Aaron Skonhovd if you have any leads. He lives close to the park.

By l3wis

10 thoughts on “Help find Stolen Historical Marker”
  1. This is the greatest heist since the time those two guys stole that Pink pig grill from Karl. A crime I might add, that still has not been solved. Yet, the Mayor was still re-elected.

    But on a lighter note, this all reminds me of an old Steve Martin routine where he claimed that his cat has been stealing from him by taking Martin’s paychecks and buying stuff for himself, but Martin can no longer find his cat because his cat took a catamaran to Catalina that he got out of a catalog. So let me infer that most likely this sign was last scene on Phillips, then the heisters filled-up at Phillips, adjusted the carburetor with a Phillips for a long haul to Philips. AND, most likely done by a Filipino and a guy from Philly….. But, sometimes I am just full of it, or is that philled with it?

  2. Holding a sign for ransom. That’s a new one. Somebody took lots of TenHaken signs but they’re considered worthless.

  3. Eventually, there will be nothing left of our existence. It will all be sent to scrap. The local scrap yard is the final black hole…. But is the Bunker Ramp too big?

  4. A deep city mole just told me about how the city lost a truck full of equipment and tools from their own garage and no one has a clue who took the stuff worth thousands of dollars. I wonder if the mayor’s bonus money is enough to stop future five finger discounts.

  5. They emptied the toolboxes and then took the contents when no one was looking.

    I wonder if these were Tenhaken’s tooled boxes?

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