Good thing, because image is everything!

Also throughout the installations, when Paul would introduce them, he would say who their guests were (namely campaign donors). This has never been done before except for introducing kids and spouses. Not sure why Matt Paulson and Leslee Unruh being guests for a particular candidate needed to be announced?

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Newly elected Councilor already has an official photographer”
  1. When the “family” gets together, Ben over means more than you can imagine.

  2. Will these official photos of new Council members have the puppet strings photo-shopped out? Will definitely be an interesting four years with Mayor McSmirk!

  3. So…paulsen has how many seats on rhe council now? Three, or is it four? I’ve lost count.

  4. It seems only fair that the owners of these Councilors appear on the dais with each respective Councilor for installation.

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