By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Vote NO on Amendment C”
  1. I get all my voting info from this collection of misfits! Thanks for helping me decide to vote YES on C!!!

  2. At 02:16, that individual to the right looks a lot like Schoenbeck… LOL

    ( and Woodstock adds: “And to think that Lee’s Mom used to be a Democratic precinct woman”…. “Wow, I wonder what the hell went wrong?”….. )

  3. This is the only banana republic where there are no bananas to show for it….

  4. Woodstock,
    Schoenbeck, holding true to his genetic roots, is still very Blue.
    He has simply registered as a Republican in order that he can hold elected office in South Dakota.
    With his Political Action Committee, he is trying to change the South Dakota Republican Party to reflect the Blue ideology of his family roots. Essentially Democrat Lite.
    Blue without the ultra-liberalism of AOC.

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