If you want a good laugh at the expense of some unknown bands, check out Rock and Roll Confidential. I particularly like the Hall of Douchebags and the video is classic.

What’s next…a monkey with a hula hoop juggling dead cats and smoking cigarrettes?

10 thoughts on “What’s next…cars that fly?”
  1. OK. I was out of line… I apologize, Cooked Rabbit.
    I’m just jealous I’m not 6′ tall and that I can’t wear the skinny rocker pants.

    You’re right, SaG. I suck.

  2. Wear boxer-briefs – cuts down on the chafing… not that I wear skinny pants when no one’s looking or anything…

  3. I don’t think you can wear any undies with how tight those pants are. You might even have to be creative with stuffing the sausage to get those pants on.

  4. Have you ever met the drummer of Castle? He’s shorter then AG and I and he probably wears kid’s jeans.

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