The Cathedral and Pettigrew Heights neighborhood associations have already made it clear they do NOT want the greenspace and community gardens at 9th & Grange to be used for affordable housing. Both associations have shown that there are plenty of empty lots and houses that need to be torn down throughout both neighborhoods that can be used to move affordable houses to the neighborhood without using the greenspace.

As I mentioned in the past both associations have plenty of evidence that the school district and the city have been quietly working behind the scenes to take over this space for affordable housing.

A person who attended the most recent Pettigrew Heights association meeting said a city official(?) told some of the attendees that there is still a plan to move affordable houses to the greenspace (Sanford expansion was mentioned).

The land is currently owned by the School District and they may have to get an appraisal on the land before transferring it. If that happens the school board and the city council would have to approve a land transfer (there may be some legal issues with usage). The city could take it over as a park or they could try to transfer the land for affordable housing (the city already maintains the space for the school district).

I guess the first place to watch is the school board, who currently make most decisions behind closed doors, then show up to the public meeting to rubber stamp those nontransparent decisions. The agendas will have to be scrutinized closely because they may try to slip it in on the consent agenda.

As of today, the school district maintains they have NO plans for the space . . . but would they tell us if they did?

3 Thoughts on “Rumors still circulating about 9th & Grange greenspace

  1. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on July 12, 2022 at 11:56 am said:

    If the school board doesn’t advertise a potential election, then why advertise this? Plus, it’s best to keep it a green space for future UFO landings, I mean UAPs.

  2. Mike Lee Zitterich on July 12, 2022 at 12:10 pm said:

    Find out if this is Section 16 land, if it is, it can only be used for very specific uses. Being the former Lincoln Elementary was built around 1900 give or take, like the Washington High School which is now the Pavilion, the property can only be utilized as a School, Public Park, Science and Nature Center, etc-etc. The Federal Govt at the time between 1840 to 1890 was sectioning off land through out the country to be used only for “public schools” and granted such lands under Section 16 to be used for that purpose, IF the schools were to ever be removed, the land had to be used for specific purposes.

    The Washington Pavilion is a Science and Entertainment Center because it had to be, either that the building had to be raised, in place of a public park, or a new School.

  3. anominous on July 18, 2022 at 9:22 pm said:

    i been by there and seen where that brick building on the corner the guy wants to restore is built so poorly it would be better to tear it down, imho. doubt the whole facade blah blah covers the polyurethane foam for mortar but what do i know :wouldnt be bad if it was a hamburger shop but dont get ur hopes up

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