3 Thoughts on “Levitt’s closing concert will be the best of the season

  1. Very Stable Genius on September 7, 2022 at 12:19 pm said:

    Unfortunately, I’m going to miss this. I’ll be at a wedding/dance barn that night. You know, that’s where Christians, who no longer go to church, get married now days. It’s as though Christianity is returning to its past, or should we say the manger.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “You mean ‘no room at the inn’?”… “Then what are the honeymooners going to do and where?”… )

  2. Observer on September 10, 2022 at 11:07 pm said:

    The concert was fantastic! Great music performed by excellent artists! The only drawback was the incessant dog show on the Levitt’s sidewalk. I’m OK with dogs but do these people come to listen to the music or to walk their dogs? Multiple times tonight an owner had to jerk their dog away from my drink purchased onsite from JJ Wine & Spirits. Halfway through the concert the smell of DOGSHIT! wafted across the area and lingered past the encore. This was a big turn-off!
    Levitt is a concert, not a dogshow. The organizers should review this before next season – there are more people there without dogs than with dogs.

  3. I would agree. I love dogs. But they do not belong at a concert. I have begged the city council to not allow pets at events like this, but they keel over the rich folks in town who want to show off their furry trophies. Vets have said that it is bad for their anxiety and health to attend events like this but they are selfish and don’t care. Jazzfest which I was a part of planning for several years had a strict policy about dogs at the event, and it worked. We love our pets, but if we really loved them we would leave them at home where they are comfortable and happy.

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