
After the article in the Gargoyle Leader yesterday about doctors crying that it is unfair to RATE them anonymously (why don’t you call the whaabulance) a friend of mine decided to look up a famous doctor(?) in our fair city. Not sure if all of these posts are true, but they are sadly amusing to read;

He literally caused several of my spinal discs to rupture. After destroying my spine, I ended up having to have an abortion due to inability to work to pay for the new baby!! What a nightmare. 

I would like to see the Norman Rockwell version of that doctor’s visit.

His office seemed more concerned with getting paid than with helping the patient.

I can’t believe you would accuse him of being greedy. It’s not like he is selling babies or virginity.

By l3wis

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7 thoughts on “Need your spinal discs ruptured? This doctor(?) can help you out”
  1. What is very suspect is that the “disc rupturing doctor” received a fantasic review yesterday after the Argus story ran.

    Yea….I bet it was just coincidental.

    Those reviews are pretty much garbage though. There is no requirement to actually prove you even know the doctor and anyone can say whatever they wish both good or bad. The doctor themselves could even write their own reviews if they really wanted to.

  2. Anybody who would trust the opinion of an anononymous blogger has to be crazy anyway.

    Wait a second . . .

  3. It’s one thing to trust a restaurant review or a movie review you read online, but quite another to actually take an anonymous post about a doctor seriously.
    In Unruh’s case, it’s pretty obvious that at least two of the negative reviews are trolls, and the positive one is either the Dr. himself or a close friend. His political shenanigans make anything online related to his actual practice pretty worthless.

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