3 Thoughts on “Who’s Gonna Build the Wall?

  1. D@ily Spin on May 23, 2023 at 9:56 am said:

    How about 2 years in the Ukrainian military qualifies Central Americans for US Citizenship? Then, it’s possible to provide soldiers without sending troops. Putin uses mercenaries. What’s the difference?

  2. Very Stable Genius on May 23, 2023 at 12:30 pm said:

    Who in the Republican Party would like to shingle my roof the next time, or replace my carpet the next time? Oh, and replace the garage spring, if it ever breaks again?

    Republicans often talk about the border, but what’s their answer to our overall service needs? I’m afraid that “workforce development” is not going to cut it.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “‘workforce development'”, what a bunch of bullshxt!”…. )

  3. D@ily Spin on May 24, 2023 at 5:40 pm said:

    It’s a fitting tribute that the African American female singer wall mural near the Levitt was finished on the day Tina Turner died. Simply the best.

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