I knew how this was going to turn out;

Residents of Canton want to overturn the city commission’s decision to implement municipal-run garbage services to pay for a pool project. The question will head to a special election.

While municipal garbage is a good concept, and would save residents money, taking those savings from them to fund a pool is not such a great idea. Heck, one city councilor called it communism;

“We want to stay independent and have that hometown feeling. … We could maybe get a kickback from the bank if we all went to the same bank. We could get a kickback if we all went to the same hardware store,” Garbers said. “People, that’s communism.”

Not quite Clem, but I see where you are going with this. Municipal garbage is actually a good idea, especially for smaller towns and could save residents a lot of moolah, where it gets complicated is the crazy SOVIET era idea of paying for pools with garbage fees (I think he is confusing our school bond elections with garbage service). It is NOT communism, but I would agree with Commissioner Garbers, it isn’t right.

Why not build a smaller pool? Or better yet, get some private donors? And keep the municipal garbage and pass the savings onto the residents. Everyone wins in the suburb of Harrisburg.

3 Thoughts on “Canton voters to decide whether they want ‘communist’ garbage service

  1. D@ily Spin on July 11, 2023 at 8:19 am said:

    The Denty was not per voters. The question: Do you want the EC downtown or at the Convention Center? Voters thought they were voting on a location. Huether called it approval to build. At least he didn’t use Authoritarian Charter to build downtown.

    There’s gonna be a baseball stadium. There’s credit rating for more bonds to later default on.

  2. WillyNilly on July 11, 2023 at 12:56 pm said:

    When did our public servants become the adversaries of the people? A number of local small towns are having similar issues where the citizens are totally overrun by a minority who want what they want now. Projects are approved by local councils without the public knowing all the facts. The lack of transparency seems criminal.

  3. Very Stable Genius on July 11, 2023 at 1:35 pm said:

    No, kickbacks are capitalism. Communism is when you get kicked in the back if you don’t adhere.

    But frankly, I think the term communism gets used too frequently and is misappropriated way too often. Our Governor not too long ago called the two Democratic Senators from Georgia communists, but if that’s the case, then how do you explain that one of them is a Christian pastor, and didn’t Karl (Marx, not Mundt) once call religion “the opiate of the masses”?

    But, if you care for my opinion, well, I’ll say it again that it’s the corporatists who seem to be the communists around here, because they believe in a top down approach to everything, they have a CEO (Do you remember “Chairman Khrushchev”?), they have a board of directors (politburo), a rubber stamp collection of legislators, or shareholders (like the Supreme Soviet), all of their peons tow the line and don’t publicly question corporate policy (It’s what the Soviets called democratic centralism), they want to control as much if not all of the resources of the world for themselves (state owned), and they have a conglomerate conspiratorial intent to control the whole world (Marxist-Leninist Doctrine). But the only difference is that the communists have a standing army, while the corporatists use the armies of capitalist countries as their mercenaries.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “But the way I see it, you can’t live with them or without them”….. “Because how could a capitalist (corporatist?) profit from making tanks, and then create jobs for the masses, if he can’t get everyone to fear the communists?”…. )

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