
Hey, Rick, you won’t have time to feed the buffalo if you win.

Rick Knobe is looking to get his old job back . . .

Easy Rider rip

Former Mayor Rick Knobe says he is giving consideration to another bid.


“I think about it nearly every day and have not ruled out the possibility,” Knobe told me Monday.

“What makes up my mind? Probably time more than anything. I have a good feel for the issues. I know what needs to be done. I always have fire in the belly, but is it enough fire?” Knobe said.

I wish him luck, but I have had this race predicted before it has even started. It will be decided in a runoff election between Costello and Staggers. And it will be a death match to the finish line.

Other possible mayoral candidates include Sioux Falls businessman Bill Peterson (Mr. Wishy Washy), who is thought to be seriously considering a run but has not made a decision, and City Council members Vernon Brown (Mr. Rainbow Unicorns), Kermit Staggers (The Enforcer), Gerald Beninga (Mr. Doesn’t say much) and Pat Costello (Mr. Math Nerd & hamburger maker). Consider Greg Jamision (Drama Queen) as a possible candidate, too. Encouraged by his friends (?$$$$) to run Jamision says he would like the opportunity to help shape Sioux Falls.

Bahahahahaha! Gawd, I hope Greg runs. Going to the Mayoral Forums will be like improv night at community theatre (wonder if he will tear up). “I decided to run to save people from dying in floods, bring more AC/DC concerts to town and to represent the silent minority millionaire developers who aren’t getting enough handouts and tax breaks from the city already.”

14 Thoughts on “Another Bobblehead throws his Hat in the ring

  1. Ghost of Dude on April 1, 2009 at 6:37 am said:

    You forgot one person: me.

  2. l3wis on April 1, 2009 at 6:47 am said:

    You would be the Dark Horse.

    Here’s your checklist of things you need for the first Mayoral Forum

    1) A fakecheck to be torn up in a dramatic attempt to get people on board for the EC
    2) A slice of onion to make yourself cry on a moments notice
    3) A list of ‘postive things’ you can mention when trying to avoid questions about conflicts of interest.

  3. Angry Guy on April 1, 2009 at 7:40 am said:

    You don’t think Hanson will run again?

  4. John on April 1, 2009 at 7:56 am said:

    Knobe was the best mayor. He always had the best parties. It was always a winter wonderland. And the streets were cleared of snow on time. The pot holes were always filled.

  5. l3wis on April 1, 2009 at 7:59 am said:

    There was also 100,000 less people and code enforcement did not exist. A very different city.

  6. Warren Phear on April 1, 2009 at 8:34 am said:

    Those city retiree benefits I mentioned the other day. You know, the one where you can, as a city employee not only collect a check on unused sick leave and vacation time, but apply that income towards your pension check? ALL compliments of rick knobe. A plan that WILL eventually bust the city coffers. Yeah, he was a good one alright. NOT.

  7. Ghost of Dude on April 1, 2009 at 9:03 am said:

    Conflict of interest?

    The developers have never heard of me.

  8. l3wis on April 1, 2009 at 11:22 am said:

    Yeah, and make sure your have your criminal record scrubbed. I wouldn’t want the Gargoyle Leader digging up a story about you sliding thru a stopsign on icy roads.

  9. Ghost of Dude on April 1, 2009 at 12:10 pm said:

    They might find a parking ticket or two, but that’s it.

  10. Plaintiff Guy on April 1, 2009 at 12:32 pm said:

    Knobe was a good mayor for the time. At least city government then was not Home Rule and democratic. If he’s not marxist and proposes Home Rule repeal, he or another will be my choice. City government must return from self service to public service.

  11. l3wis on April 1, 2009 at 1:02 pm said:

    You should call into his show and ask if he runs if he would repeal it.

  12. scott on April 1, 2009 at 6:39 pm said:

    I might be wrong, but didn’t I read years ago that Maricarol Kueter is Bob Jamison’s daughter, making her Greg Jamison’s brother? If this is correct, then they need to mention that when they print an editorial stating that we should just let the rich property tax cheats slide when they don’t pay their taxes. If I’m wrong, then never mind.

  13. l3wis on April 2, 2009 at 5:54 am said:

    I have never heard that, and I find it hard to believe, have you ever met Maricarol? Doesn’t seem like she fits in with the ‘Jamison’ crew.

  14. l3wis on April 2, 2009 at 6:31 am said:

    I’m looking, so far, this is all I could find, which made me chuckle;


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