There has been a lot of rumbling about how our new Minnehaha county auditor, Leah Anderson, will handle elections bringing in fellow MAGA’s to assist her recently.

Her first test will be the Sioux Falls City Council Election.* While the city manages and organizes their own elections, they will use the county’s ballot counters. Besides Leah’s inexperience, the new head city clerk, Mr. Washington, has very little election experience. While assistant city clerks Denise and Tamara have decades of election experience, and I totally trust them, they can’t pull all the levers at once or watch the process entirely. My biggest concern is the resolution board, especially if any candidates that are running have associations with Anderson. I also think we need poll watchers. As for the conflict Anderson ‘may’ have with any future potential candidates (someone who may have volunteered for her campaign or donated money) it would be wise for her to recuse herself from the proceedings if any of those associations exist.

For arguments sake, let’s say no conflicts exist, just how will Anderson handle her first election with it’s whopping 5% turnout? This is going to be fun to watch.

*I am hearing from one potential candidate in the NW district that she will be announcing in the coming weeks. I am also hearing rumors that Julian Beaudion may throw his hat in that race also (he ran against Greg last time). I also heard of a potential candidate that currently serves on the Planning Board but not sure which race they would get into. They have ran for At-Large in the past and lost. I have heard nothing either way if Jensen is going to seek a 2nd term on the council, or go run off to Pierre, though challenging Sue Peterson will be no easy task since District 13 has turned into a right wingers paradise.

4 Thoughts on “Minnehaha County Auditor will get her first test next April

  1. My Mistake Mike on September 7, 2023 at 10:51 am said:

    As much as I hate to share a link to a certain blog, I think this development is VERY concerning and I have seen nothing from any local media:

  2. Jeff Barth on September 7, 2023 at 11:25 am said:

    Elections are tough!
    And that is without even having nefarious intent.

    Voters given wrong ballots. Precincts straddling two legislative districts. Media folks wanting immediate results. Complaints about voting locations, churches, temples auto garages.

  3. "Woodstock" on September 10, 2023 at 3:15 am said:

    “‘auto garages’?”….. “If you are voting in an auto garage, then you know your democracy is failing”…. “Talk about a lube job, or getting greased”…. ( ….. “On second thought, wasn’t it an auto garage where they hanged Mussolini and his mistress?”…. ( ….. “So maybe they do have a place in the democratic process”….. 🙂 #EtTuBrute ))

  4. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on September 10, 2023 at 4:48 am said:

    What about a muffler shop? Would that be a good site to have a voting precinct place? Heck, some of them are even known to have a Midas touch. Or, should we be calling them a voting report to work place, instead?…. I can just imagine the conversation: “Yeah, just put your ballot over there by that stack of fluffers, I mean mufflers”….

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