I love that Conan told Arnie that he is funny, because he is. Conan tells the story about how Arnie was on SNL and wrote a ton of his own jokes. To be honest with you, I wish he would run for president.

I have to say that I am consistently baffled by the GOP’s loyalty to Trump. The guy has been breaking laws and lying since the 1970’s. DOCUMENTED COURT CASES!

While I lean left on social issues, as an indy, I support good old fashioned fiscal constraint. I think ALL governments should have a balanced budget, I also think that taxes should be lower, and they could be, if we just spent tax dollars on infrastructure and services. In fact we could cut the Pentagon budget by 50% and close half of our bases in the world, and we would STILL be the most powerful military in the world.

While I have never voted for a Republican president, I do support traditional conservative values of fiscal restraint. Trump had ONE accomplishment as president, he gave one of the largest tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans in the history of our country. Is that really conservative values OR Trump values? If I was a Republican, I would be embarrassed about the fellatio the party is giving to Mr. Trump. You have lost your way and your minds.

2 Thoughts on “Arnie Zings

  1. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on October 12, 2023 at 9:18 pm said:

    His father was a Nazi and he has a love child. Thanks to Trump, these things appear to no longer matter.

  2. D@ily Spin on October 13, 2023 at 9:45 am said:

    Schwarzenegger can’t run. A requisite for President is you must be native born. Obama had this issue until it was proven he was born in Hawaii. My opinion is George Clooney would be a good president. However, he robbed the Bellagio and married an Italian (Amal).

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