Maybe one of the reasons people are not listening to Anderson is because when she has a chance to make a difference she sends her minions to fight for a pay increase. Maybe people are NOT discriminating against you because of your gender, but because of your (lack of) intelligence.

(FF 10:00)

16 Thoughts on “Public Service is NOT about the money

  1. Very Stable Genius on December 26, 2023 at 2:52 pm said:

    Republicans have effectively destroyed the middle class over the last 40 years. So to maintain relevance as a political party and win elections, the Republicans have become increasingly dependent upon poor, under educated, white cynicism to politically survive. The result of this strategy, intended or not, has been the emergence of incapable and paranoid leaders at times that have no business leading and are a true embarrassment to the Grand Old Party, which remarkably was once founded by Abraham Lincoln, a self taught lawyer, who once saved the Union from its own self-destruction.

  2. "Woodstock" on December 26, 2023 at 2:55 pm said:

    “I hope everyone had a great Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone, too!”…. “But do be careful with those new toys you got from Santa, however”….. šŸ™‚ ….:

  3. My Mistake Mike on December 26, 2023 at 9:30 pm said:

    Donā€™t these tin-foil-hat-wearing election deniers have jobs?

  4. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on December 26, 2023 at 10:48 pm said:

    Like I’ve asked before: Who audits the auditor? Paranoia can make for some interesting forensic accounting. A theory is one thing, but suspicion without any math has no answer. A hunch can lead you to something, and hopefully before lunch, but when it’s all said and done, who will eat it, or will it even play in Peoria?
    Trumpsters, QAnon-ers, and Donner and Blizten, two are into conspiracy theories, while the other two are merely tracked by NORAD, but really its the former that should be tracked, while the latter should be left alone to not live a fantasy, but rather be one, and thus, left alone.

  5. Mike Lee Zitterich on December 27, 2023 at 5:06 am said:

    the Republican Party was not founded by Abraham Lincoln. It was founded by Traditionalist, Progressive, Farmers, and Protestant American Citizens grounded by their faith, and morality to which they agreed to stand in defense of the United States Constitution, at a time whereas there seemingly was that movement by the Democrats who were moving America to far from the center, to which the movement was to be grounded by many of the rights and policies adopted by the Northwest Ordinance, to which outlawed the concept of Slavery in the Territory. The Ordinance of 1788 laid the groundwork to what many of the States’ would compact to. IF you do research, the 14 States organized south of the Mason Dixon Line, were not formed by any of these principles, they were formed by means of the Charters purchased from the Virginia Land Company which is a British Banking Cartel to which all interests were held by the Bank of London. Yes, this means, Great Britain organized much of the South as a British Plantation System. This was the true nature, and definition of the Mason-Dixon Line. ALL States above it were created by “Organic Act’s” of Congress, to which compacted themselves to the Articles of Compact first agreed to by the 13 Original States, and based on Planning and Zoning Rules first adopted by the Ordinance of 1788. From these two factions, you get the Democrat Party born out of the Southern Territory during the 1820s, and later on, the Republican Party, born in the Northern Territory. The two territories were vastly different, and had two distinct Economic Systems. IN the northern Territory, it was heavily regulated by the Federal Government, and in the South, thanks to compromises set by agreements made by Mason and Dixon, the Southern Territory was not compacted, nor to be regulated by the Federal Govt. The Democrat’s believed more strongly in an Economic Concept grounded in Multi-Nationalism born of the Plantation System, which is still effectively strong today, these multi-nationalist trade pacts were heavily controlled by the Bank of London; whereas the Republican Party believed more strongly in the traditions first created by the Original 13 States, to which all Americans had the right to own their own property, and profit from that ownership of property, paying to the Federal Govt an imposition fee, assessed to the profits made from the land, resources, and mineral rights. Abraham Lincoln latched himself to many of those traditions, and business concepts born in the north, to which set us up for the “Economic War” fast brewing in America, which became known as the Civil War between these two divided territories – Northern vs Southern. Honestly, after the War, the Federal Government established a Federal-Militarized Territory, effectively being named the UNITED STATES LAND COMPANY, of which transitioned from the Virginia Land Company, to which is why Richmond, VA played a huge role in the “War” itself. Between 1860-1880, they recreated the “Republic of Free States” to become a Federal-Militarized Territory, to which established the UNITED STATES CORPORATE STATES – to which would be bound to the Bank of London, its Financial Master. Evidence of this fact was the 1871 Organic Act to Create a Government for the Territory of the District of Columbia, which allowed Congress to appoint a Governor, Secretary, and Legislative Council, and finally in 1874, with the District of Columbia Municipal Act, which created a Permanent Government for the newly created Territory, giving to it a Mayor and Nine Member D.C Council. Today, the District of Columbia contracts, and obligates itself to the British Banking System, to which owns and holds interest in all the Multi-Nationalist System of Corporations, which are now bound, and contracted to the UNITED STATES LAND COMPANY, to which today, employes nearly 60% of all American Workers through the British Plantation System – yes, those Multi-National Corporations own tons of Land, to which their Economic System profits from, while allowing the Government to “Tax’ the profits from the Land, Natural Resources, Minerals, and Labor by contracts. The Democrat Party is heavily bound to this Multi-Nationalist System, and to which, the Republican Party became bound to it during the Birth of the New World Order movement which began in 1990, and gave rise to the NEOCON Movement, when Leftist-Marxist, grabbed control of the Republican Party itself by 1997. The problem today, beginning in 2007, the Tea Party Americans began to rise to power, within the Republican Party, giving rise to the Patriot Movement, and has steered the “Party” itself back to the Right, and away from this British, Global Plantation System, and more in line with the Traditional, American Movement of Patriotism. So again, today, you are seeing this same Economic War the country saw in the early 1800’s.

  6. Steeerrrrrrreeeeetttttttccccchh!

  7. funny how these people think there is fraud in every race but hers.

  8. Mike, I guess it depends upon what the definition of “founded” is (Or, would that be the definition of “is”? šŸ˜‰ ). “Founded” can mean to “get going” and trust me Lincoln got the GOP “going”. Lincoln was the first two-term president in 32 years, and he laid the ground work with the help of the historic persona built around him that led to the Republicans controlling the White House, after Andrew Johnson, for 64 years absent Cleveland and Wilson’s tenures.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “What?”…. “‘Progressive(s)’ helped found the GOP?”… “Well then what happened, then?”…. šŸ™ )

  9. Further Fear & Loathing on December 27, 2023 at 12:01 pm said:

    What a minute, Leftist-Marxist grabbed control of the Republican Party by ’97? Is that why they got rid of Newt? Had they had enough of him, or what? Was it his marriages, or the fact that he wore a suit like an over stuffed trash bag?

  10. Fearing the Fuhrer & More on December 27, 2023 at 12:17 pm said:

    Leftist-Marists gave us Dubya? I thought bald Karl Rove gave us Dubya, but then again Rove and Marx do have the same first name, don’t they?…. Now I get it…. AND, come to think of it, Dubya’s Dad used to be the US Ambassador to China, so they were probably Maoist, too, huh?…. AND, also don’t forget that the Bay of Pigs operation failed and some say that Bush41 was involved in that. Although, Bush41 claims he never worked for the CIA before his became Director of it, and thus the failure of the B of P operation was probably an inside job helped by Bush41, huh?…. AND, so as to help maintain the continuance of the pinky commie Castro regime, huh? Oh, this is all very fascinating and who really knew about all of this until now, huh?…. Wow!…. To think that the Bush Dynasty was nothing but a pinko conspiracy, but then again there were signs that this was true even then given Bush41’s propensity to wear colorful weird socks and the time he warned us about the lobbyists and their tassel loafers…. But how does Bush41’s incident when he threw-up on the then Japanese Prime Minister fit into all of this, huh?…. Were they not commie enough for him as opposed to the Chinese, the Vietnamese, and the North Koreans?… #IPreferAsianCommies ……:

  11. Sick of Fearing on December 27, 2023 at 12:23 pm said:

    “Global Plantation System”? Is that when multi-national conglomerates have us all working for inferior wages?

  12. D@ily Spin on December 27, 2023 at 1:26 pm said:

    The recognized national cost of living (COLA) increase is 3.1%. Thereā€™s been a lot more growth here than for most of the country. Real estate appreciation is double digit. Wages are higher yet many jobs remain unfilled or held by someone unqualified. Food is 10 to 20% more. Cars have become unaffordable for many. The cost of living here is at least 7.5% higher than a year ago and (likely) more.

    Thereā€™s no control, only hope for the future. For sure, there will always be inflation. The modest national 3.1% significantly affects social security and those on disability or welfare. The dollar has lost value more than COLA. Thereā€™s a poorer poor.

    Minnehaha County manages a meger budget well while the City of Sioux Falls wastes 750 million annually on frivolous and corrupt projects for the affluent. We donā€™t play tennis or swim. Whatā€™s pickle ball? We canā€™t afford tickets to the events center. Weā€™ve learned life is better in the county neighboring the city. Unlike the city, thereā€™s attention to infrastructure and crime.

    I trust the county. Never trust the city. If someone is unqualified for a county position, itā€™s because more qualified costs to much and would make the same mistakes.

  13. Scott D Hudson on December 27, 2023 at 7:57 pm said:

    I’m not sure what that 5,000 word (distorted) history of the two political parties has to do with the imbecile followers of a newly elected official who had no business even being on the ballot but yet believe she should get an automatic participation trophy raise.

  14. "Woodstock" on December 27, 2023 at 9:15 pm said:

    “Say, but what about the Whig Party and the Know Nothing Party?”…

  15. "Woodstock" on December 27, 2023 at 10:27 pm said:

    “And, is it true that some of our Founding Fathers actually “founded” the Whig Party, because I know they used to like to wear powdered whigs like they were members of some sort of glamour band from the 1980s”…. ( …. “Come to think of it, maybe they were trans-ing as well as founding”…. ( …. “Just think, modern day Republicans really don’t like our Founding Fathers, huh?”…. ))

  16. Fear Not! on December 28, 2023 at 12:29 am said:

    The Know Nothing Party I believe merged with the Republicans back in the 1850s, and they now make up the Trump wing of the GOP.

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