I figured if I waited a few days into 2024 someone would do the heavy lifting for me. Pat Lalley with Siouxfallslive.com beat me to the punch when it comes for my hopes for this city and especially a mayor who seems to be oblivious to the benefits of open and transparent government;

Either way, the path to good government is not paved with insularity. Rather, it’s openness.

There have been too many instances when the administration appears askew, prone to done deals rather than public oversight.

The original parking lot mural, the botched sustainability plan, the secret contract to operate The Link, the Delbridge taxidermy collection, all these controversies boiled up in 2023 and all share a common thread, which is an effort to keep all the information from getting out, or doing deals in the dark.

That’s unfortunate because behind each project is something good, or at least solvable, in the light of day and with the benefit of public discourse.

It’s a painful process but necessary.

This metropolitan area faces several large challenges in the coming years from transportation to housing to economic segregation.

The leader of the largest government entity in the metro has a huge responsibility, not just to the financiers of growth, but to working class parents, new citizens and old, business owners large and small, clergy and unchurched, families of all shapes, shades and composition.

That really is the problem, this mayor and the past two have never been a mayor ‘of the people’. This is about special deals for special people, and the public can’t be privy to it. Over the past year I have needled several folks in the local media to pursue a suspicious real estate deal between a high ranking city official (privately held real estate) and one of the largest developers in the state. It wasn’t the sale of the property that was suspicious or even unethical, that was normal, it was the price tag. All of this is public records, but you can’t get even one of them to lift a finger to expose these folks.

While I do appreciate Lalley calling out the mayor, it will take a concerted effort by everyone in the local media to push back on this lack of transparency. You heard nothing from them when the SFPD turned off the scanners. Why?

We can’t hold government accountable if we don’t have a 4th estate that is willing to do it. So I applaud Lalley and other independent reporters like Megan Reposa who are willing to ask the hard questions and push the administration on answers.

4 Thoughts on “Yeah, What Lalley said

  1. Very Stable Genius on January 3, 2024 at 1:48 pm said:

    You are all expecting too much from a corporate spokesman.

  2. D@ily Spin on January 3, 2024 at 9:48 pm said:

    The city syndicate is certainly not government of, by, and for the people. Recent mayors happened via sophisticated 6 figure advertising. The few citizens that go to the polls vote for a name subliminally imprinted into their consciousness. There were ignored campaign promises that never came into being. Home Rule Charter enacted at the time of the first of 3 mayors made them owned by affluent political contributors. Why is it that a 100k/year mayors left office millionaires? Why is it that a 3/4 billion budget for a population of 200k leaves debt and unimproved infrastructure? Being mayor looks good on a resume and it’s only a matter of hanging out for a few terms answering to a few godfathers. It’s not public funds. It’s quiet skim, future campaigns money, and protection money to preserve the autocratic charter.

  3. Not epstein on January 4, 2024 at 11:22 am said:

    Assuming the communications department is part of this or culture department?

  4. Paranoid, but educated on January 4, 2024 at 3:42 pm said:

    Epstein is dead, but his list lives on even though it’s a dud like the Republican inquiry into Biden. Trump was apparently air traffic control for Atlantic City, but what about human trafficking? Clinton apparently liked them young, but have you ever heard of a geriatric strip club? Wake me up when there’s something new…. Where’s my laptop?…. It was on my lap when I fell asleep…. Hunter is that you?…. And how do you know Andrew?…. Oh, the list goes on and on like ‘Groundhog Day’, so maybe it’s just time to put all of this to bed. #GoodNight

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