The Active Transportation Board and the Parks Board both recommended approval today. It will head to the city council for an informational and then 1st and 2nd readings. While it will probably pass before the end of February, it won’t take into affect until June 1st (which I assume is for updated signage on the trails.)

During the Parks board meeting I spoke in favor due to the health and wellness of older people. The one dissenter at the meeting brought up the fiasco going on in Pierre right now with E bikes on Mickelson trail. I told the board, in which many giggled, that if the government in Sioux Falls does the exact opposite of Pierre we will be in good shape. They have turned this e-bike ordinance into a political football like mask wearing and Covid vaccines.

I said the biggest danger is speed, and if we can control speed we can control this.

The SFPD presented a study they did on bike speeds on the trail and determined that the average bike speed is 11 MPH on the trail (15 MPH is the legal limit) and out of 150 users only 8 were going over the speed limit and the highest speed recorded was 23 MPH. No surprises there.

The Administration, The Parks Department and the SFPD all support the change.

15 Thoughts on “E2 Bicycle Ordinance heading to Sioux Falls City Council

  1. Very Stable Genius on January 17, 2024 at 10:40 pm said:

    “The SFPD presented a study they did on bike speeds on the trail and determined that the average bike speed is 11 MPH on the trail (15 MPH is the legal limit) and out of 150 users only 8 were going over the speed limit and the highest speed recorded was 23 MPH. No surprises there”….

    But currently E-Bikes classified as a II or III are not legal, right? And our officers enforce the laws, right? So, this info is not relevant to Class II E-bike usage, right?… Trust me, if Class II E-Bikes are made legal on our bike trail, then speed will become an issue. Those E-bikes that are already on the bike trail legally
    are passing everyone else and no one for the most part is passing them. Keep in mind, too, that Class II E-bikes can throttle up to and maintain a speed of 20mph, which is almost double the average speed alleged by the SFPD at this time on the bike trail.

    As far as Pierre, well, Pierre is right about this one just as Trump was right about China and trade. It happens sometimes no matter how painful the reality may be at times.

    The bike trail came into being in 1978 with the help of Federal funds. Allowing Class II E-bikes on the trail, which are classified as motorcycles according to state law, challenges the entire intent of the bike trails purpose from day one and now requires a period of public comment about this issue
    before the city is in continuous compliance with the initial purpose of the federal funding of our bike trail. So, if the city goes forward with this ordinance it could get sued on this issue, or be a defendant in a liable case involving an E-bike accident on the bike trail under the negligence per se doctrine.

    Councilman Neizert made one substantial change to his Class E-bike proposal for the bike trail. His proposal now allows Class II E-bikes on the sidewalks as well even though this past April, at a Bicycle Committee meeting, he mentioned that his proposal (the initial one) would not include sidewalks and he was
    proud of that fact at that time considering width and speed issues. So what’s changed?

    Last August both the Active Transportation Board and the Parks Board were unwilling to support this new ordinance at the time. So what changed? Did they want them on the sidewalks, too, at the time, or did someone get to them?

    I also find it amazing that at a board meeting like this it is mentioned in the actual agenda that approval is recommended, but by whom and aren’t these boards suppose to be independent deliberating bodies? Because, personally, when it comes to rubber stamping, it’s best to show an element of finesse and timing so as to be more credible, that is, if you ask me. #WhoGotToThem?

    Also, a police officer at the morning Active Transportation Board meeting claimed that he preferred education versus enforcement to address any issues concerning E-bikes, which I think is demonstrative of the problem here. IMO, the SFPD do not want to police this issue. They have bigger fish to fry. I get it. But, but, the result will be harm to citizens in this fine town as Class IIs will get you Class IIIs, due to a lack of enforcement, and with Class IIIs the speed goes up to 28 mph, which is getting close to three times the current alleged average speed on the bike trail, and with more speed there will be more harm:

    FF: 01:29:11

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Say, who was the ‘dissenter’?”…. “Is he one of those one speed cruising bike kind of guys?”…… )

  2. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on January 17, 2024 at 10:46 pm said:

    Deputy Sheriff Barney Fife once warned that in terms of speed, that if you give them 45, then next they’ll want 55… So, if you give them Class IIs, then next they’ll want IIIs, or they’ll just ride them, too, on the bike trail with no enforcement to be found – as admitted by the SFPD – because they are more into education.

  3. Further Fear & Loathing on January 17, 2024 at 10:48 pm said:

    Given the great debate between enforcement and education here, after the city establishes a honor system on the bike trail will they then try to establish this system in the running of the local zoo as well?

  4. Archie Bunkerramp on January 17, 2024 at 11:10 pm said:

    I’m currently tuning-up my E-Bike for Sturgis ’24.

  5. E-Pogo Stick Enthusiast on January 18, 2024 at 1:23 am said:

    Education is important, but without enforcement it’s called truancy.

  6. The dissenter was some dude in fancy cowboy boots 🙂 but I don’t blame him because all stars just get wet and cold in the winter.

    Of course it was rubber stamping all the way, that is the way they like things. We could have brought this last Fall and had a REAL discussion about it, which I wanted, because some of your arguments are spot on, and some are well, just wrong, but without a full throw down, we don’t know what works.

    I agree, the sidewalk thing is questionable, but I look at it like the bike trail, if pedestrians are NOT present, what does it matter if I am riding on the sidewalk or trail?

    Last summer I commuted almost every single day, the last 2 miles of my commute is on sidewalk because the road is heavy traffic with barely a shoulder and no bike lane and no bike trail access. I can recall maybe seeing 2 walkers and 1 runner the entire summer. I think the police pointed something out that no one wants to talk about; while our trail is used quite a bit, it is hardly crowded and can accommodate many users.

  7. "Woodstock" on January 18, 2024 at 11:15 am said:

    “‘fancy cowboy boots’?”….. “Was he one of those West River Republicans?”….

  8. Where I’m wrong is where this issue won’t even be an issue five years from now, and so I just should have left this whole thing alone, because E-bikes are a fade. Part of me never wanted to take on this crusade because of that, but I thought it would be an interesting experience in local public policy, and that it has been. #Agenda/ApprovalRecommended(WTF?)

  9. Old Cynical Man On His Front Porch on January 18, 2024 at 2:19 pm said:

    What? The local Active Transportation Board, which is suppose to support mobility and safety, wants to allow E-bikes, which are classified motorcycles by the state, to be allowed on our sidewalks where pedestrians walk? What are they trying to do, kill us all? And here I was just worried about artificial intelligence.

  10. "Woodstock" on January 18, 2024 at 2:22 pm said:

    “Most likely some local developers have recently bought heavily into E-Bike stock”…. “That’s what I think is happening here”…. “Plus, I heard that ice bumper boat stock is currently melting…. If you know what I mean”….

  11. "Woodstock" on January 18, 2024 at 2:36 pm said:

    “When Neizert runs fro governor ‘Someday’ I can see the slogan now: ‘NEIZERT: Trump might of got rid of Roe, but I put E-bikes on the sidewalk’!….. ”

    “AND, I’ve never seen Dua on an E-bike…. Because she knows better”…..:

  12. “…I think the police pointed something out that no one wants to talk about; while our trail is used quite a bit, it is hardly crowded and can accommodate many users…”

    Then why not Mopeds and Harleys, too? 😉

  13. I promise this to be my last post (Maybe). If education is all we need with this issue and if speed is not a problem, then why can’t we trust citizens on the bike trail with Class IIIs, too, which can go up to 28mph, because I’m sure with education and “adequate” enforcement they won’t go above 15 mph either, right? #WhatStopsUsAtTwos?

  14. Mark Nicolai on January 20, 2024 at 10:32 am said:

    Good Lord.
    I’ll try this one more time.
    We are really talking about safe traffic control. It doesn’t Matter if you are on a Class 1 or Class 2 E bike, Electric skateboard, One Wheel or E Scooter.
    Look at Minnesota Avenue in Sioux Falls. There are no restrictions on the type of vehicle that you can drive there, only that you obey the posted speed and basic
    traffic laws.
    EVERY type of vehicle travels Minnesota Ave by the thousands each day in each direction with vehicles pulling out in front of you , ect. Because the vast majority
    people obey the traffic laws, it works.
    It has absolutely nothing to do with the type of vehicle you are in or on.
    The Recreation and Multi-Use Trail (City designation) is no different.
    Many different type of mobility should be used on the Trail and if everyone
    (FAB) would try the decaf, this will work.
    There is no organization or group of citizens that
    has a right to keep me off of the Taxpayer Funded Public Recreation and
    Multi use Trail because I don’t peddle.
    There is no reason other than selfishness to try
    to restrict E Scooters, One Wheels, E Skateboards and Class 2
    There are sections of the Trail that are more congested than others.
    There are also times when you can ride these areas in low traffic.
    I have been on the Northern loop many times and there are not many
    users there.
    There is room for everyone folks.
    It’s for everyone.
    Just slow down.

  15. “Just slow down.”…… If only it was that easy. #RunTheZooOnTheHonorSystem

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