Though multiple studies have been done to show that funding private schools with public funds doesn’t really improve student achievement or helping poor kids get a private education. In fact, most who use the program already can afford to send their children to private school and private schools have a choice of what their student body looks like (they don’t have to accept students with mental, learning or physical disabilities).

Further more, this is public tax money that could be collected for public education, and since we are almost dead last in teacher pay, it would help with that.

As for going ‘full voucher’ in South Dakota I have argued that since I have NO kids and pay property taxes, I should either get a tax rebate or a voucher for higher education. Seems like a logical argument. Well, my idea is just as ludicrous as vouchers. We all pay into the system because a good public education system lifts all boats (and creates less Trump voters). It is an investment in the future workforce that will be supporting us when we are drawing our entitlements.

What goes around comes around.

Here are some great segments about the farce of the voucher program. No surprise our ignorant legislature would vote for this.

2 Thoughts on “South Dakota Legislature moves to expand private school funding

  1. the same people that say too bad you can’t afford child care, are the same ones saying sioux falls christian and o’gorman should be funded by taxpayers.

  2. Very Stable Genius on January 25, 2024 at 12:36 am said:

    Let me guess, they want free lunches for the private school kids as well, huh?

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