Sure, a private donor is paying for this, but the maintenance and operation of this installation is on the taxpayers, it also sits on the Pavilion’s property (owned by taxpayers).

During the informational meeting today the director of the Pavilion announced that they got a private donation for an art installation project on the Pavilion’s outdoor property, which I will say is AWESOME and something the Pavilion should have done on day one! So, I support it. In theory.

What I don’t support is leaving the public out of this decision.

So how is it the director of the Pavilion can make such an announcement with ZERO engagement from the public, the city council, the arts community and lastly the folks who fund your purple palace?

Maybe all this happened, but I doubt it.

Massive privately funded art installations: Good. Not bringing the public along in this project: Bad

Public art only works if the PUBLIC participates in it.

4 Thoughts on “Pavilion announces $400K installation art project that had ZERO public input

  1. D@ily Spin on February 21, 2024 at 9:04 am said:

    The charter is not democracy. The mayor alone decides for the public. If you complain, you’ll get swarmed with code enforcers. It’s punishment. Be grateful it’s not ‘Putin Poison’. Worst case, you’ll get your house color blocked like the parking tower.

  2. Mike Lee Zitterich on February 21, 2024 at 11:11 am said:

    The Pavilon is a Non-Profit Organization, it really does not have to present to the Council any revenues other than ho they manage “tax monies” given to them by the City itself. 70% of the revenues from the Pavilon are generated from Donations, Private People, Ticket Sales, Souvenior Sales, etc. The other 30% comes from the City of Sioux Falls as allocated by the City Council cause the city agreed to provide for specific maintenance and repairs as a public building. The Organization only has to be up front presenting to the Council providing a detailed plan of ho it spent the City’s money. Darin Smith is correct, he speaks to the Mayor’s Office on providing to the Mayor a copy of the finances, then the Mayor brings to the council any such requests for Public Funds, a Concept Plan, and a Budget.

    The Charter does NOT let the Mayor do as he so chooses. Under the Charter, the Mayor and Council are equal partners as members of the Governing Board. The Mayor has administrative duties, the City Council has Investigative duties. The COUNCIL could so choose to invoke Section II, Subsection 9 and subpeona City Officials, Officers, Agents, Employees, let alone Officers of the Pavilon to audit, investigate, placing them on public trial anytime they so choose, creating a Report of their Findings, thus creating a plan for the future.

  3. Mike, wrong again. The city pays millions each year for maintenance on the building from the entertainment tax which is separate from the operational subsidy, which is silly considering the Pavilion has $6 million in reserves.

    If it is on public property and we are paying for the maintenance, the public deserves to be a part of the process.

    The Pavilion has no right or obligation to keep this process secret. If the Pavilion didn’t get money from the city for operations and maintenance the place would have been belly up 24 years ago.

  4. Jon Jermane on February 21, 2024 at 8:25 pm said:

    Many think that Putin killed Navalny. Meanwhile, many of us were dumb to laugh at Trump’s claim of presidential immunity, because, look who’s president right now. #AreYouThinkingWhatIamThinking?

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