February 26, 2024
For Immediate Release

Sheldon Osborn, Region 3 Representative to the Executive Board of the South Dakota Democratic Party (SDDP), recently recalled, appealed his recall on February 3rd to Shane Merrill, new Chair of the SDDP following Chair Jennifer Slaight-Hansen’s September recall and unsuccessful appeal. Osborn’s appeal was originally set for a closed Hearing on February 22nd but his Appeal Committee changed its rules slightly, allowing Osborn to be represented by counsel at its still closed Hearing, reset to
February 29th.

In an email to Shane Merrill this morning, Mr.Osborn stated , “I am still mulling the proposed Appeal Hearing and assessing its fairness. I will make a decision as to my participation by Wednesday, 4:30 PM and let you know then.”

Osborn continued, “I write to you as I am proscribed from communicating directly with the Appeals Committee, although, as I understand it, others can, including those who pushed my recall. Could you please ask the Committee if they would be willing to provide me with any information they will use at the hearing that I haven’t provided them and a list of whom they have talked to outside of myself to gain perspective. I would appreciate having the opportunity to respond to whatever input they have or will acquire, for, without knowing, I will not have sufficient time within the 15 minutes they allotted me
to properly defend myself. I would also like the opportunity to rebut any information they may collect after the hearing which they will use in making their decision.”

“I wish the Committee and you could spend time in more productive pursuits given theamount of work the SDDP has to right its ship and make itself more relevant in SouthDakota, namely, recruit competitive candidates, rejuvenate local Democratic Parties especially in rural South Dakota, and construct an overriding message that stops the continuing decline in voters willing to register as Democrats.”

“Tolerance and informal communication provide a much better way to grow the Democratic Party than formal hearings such as this. Recalls and Appeal Hearings quickly become counterproductive and make Enemies out of Friends.”

“As for myself, I stand ready to help you as you work to rebuild the SDDP.”

“Sincerely, Sheldon Osborn

8 Thoughts on “Osborn Assessing Fairness of Democratic Party’s Appeal Process

  1. Reliable Voter on February 28, 2024 at 11:59 am said:

    I’m still waiting for the 96 Tears – Spartacus non reveal cliff hanger episode.

  2. Very Stable Genius on February 28, 2024 at 4:02 pm said:

    Wake me up when the Democrats in this state want to get serious about registering Democrats…. Else, if I am up and you cannot find me, then check the bike trail… I might be there amongst some E-bike near misses. 🙂

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Not only that, but after listening and watching Bobby recently, I hope someone eventually comes along, you know a white knight type character, to lead us with a hat that says: Make the KENNEDYS Great Again!”… 😉 )

  3. OrangeJesus2 on February 29, 2024 at 12:47 pm said:

    “For Immediate Release” bahahahahahaha come on dude, you aren’t that special.

    you got voted out by your peers bc you did a crap job. End of story. Suck rope and move on.


  4. Jeff Barth on February 29, 2024 at 5:06 pm said:

    Hey Orange,
    I am reminded of a joke:
    Fella asks “how do you spell orange?”
    Second fella “the fruit or the color?”

  5. These Are Clockwork Orange Times on March 1, 2024 at 1:07 am said:

    Jeff needs to be careful using words like “fruit” and “color”. I’m not sure how politically correct they are, or else they could be taken the wrong way, too. Because if he’s not careful, he might be the next one up before the Democratic Board. #StarChamberCourt #Salem #Inquisitors #HarperValleyPTA

    Oh, and Anita Bryant used to like oranges. It was her favorite fruit…. (Or, is that joke too off color?”….. 🙁 )


  6. Orange Sneakers on March 1, 2024 at 1:38 am said:

    Orange Jesus, one or two, Orange Julius, Orange Theory, OJ, and an orange president. Even the leader of the Planet of the Apes was orange…… So, there’s a reason why our once beloved astronauts only drank Tang.

    If only Eve had given Adam an orange instead of an apple. Perhaps, the time peeling could have saved him, and thus man.

    Orange is the new black, but in October they are truly synonymous. Together they bring out the spooks. Perhaps, that explains Trump, an orange alert, and even OJ.

    If you arrange an orange, you might have something. Perhaps, an arrangement with a rhyme. But this is not the time for that, nor for a tangerine.

    Tangerine Jesus just does not sound right, but what about a Tangerine Theorem? (Orange Theory?) It could involve a circle, like an tangerine, but yet tangent to a true reality like an orange president with new gold sneakers, not orange, who always finds himself on or in the court.

  7. "Woodstock" on March 1, 2024 at 10:55 am said:

    “Don’t forget about William of Orange”….. 🙂

  8. "Woodstock" on March 1, 2024 at 1:30 pm said:

    “‘suck rope’?”…. “Is that why I’ve always been attracted to cowgirls?”….:


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