UPDATE: I also found out that the agenda for the meeting wasn’t posted until 18 hours before the meeting after the attorney, Moore, told them he had a report about the trusts. Now if you are wondering if they needed to follow the 24 hour public notice rule, they are claiming they don’t have to because this is a ‘working group’. I am not buying it, it is a public meeting, with public officials in a public building in a public setting. You can call your group The He Man Woman Haters Club and it wouldn’t matter, you have to public notice.

I guess Moore gave the report ‘orally’ at the meeting. Attendees that were outside of the room when he was presenting said they could feel and hear a very loud sucking sound.

Orignal Post

I know, most peeps didn’t know about the meeting, because the Mayor’s office buried the agenda on his secret page, because, you know, he HATES open government and transparency, probably wipes his behind with executive session minutes.

But this little tidbit was interesting;

• Legal Opinion – James Moore

Basically the city was researching trusts, and Moore ‘probably’ told them they have nothing to worry about. You can give Lenin’s brood away with no concerns.

The ‘scenario’ being thrown around is the collection will come under a ‘LLC’ and be SOLD to a private entity that will disperse the collection to private collectors.

I think the collection should be preserved for scientific purposes, but private collections, no way.

I actually think we should take some of the better specimens and work them into a diorama around an aquarium. But the ‘specials’ in town stroking Poops have no desire for the public to benefit from the scientific study of endangered species, it’s way over their heads like fashion, style, ethics, morality, grammar and coherent thoughts.

Conservatives hate science, because it shoots holes in their theocratic theories.

Like I have said in the past, I don’t care about dusty monkeys with arsenic snot in their dead noses, but the way local government is handling this even makes monkeys blush.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “UPDATE: I guess Lenin’s Tomb at the Zoo advisory board is still meeting . . .”
  1. “…. dusty monkeys with arsenic snot in their dead noses…”

    Didn’t you steal that line from the Sex Pistols?

  2. Not sure if I ever told you, but ‘Nevermind the Bullocks’ is my favorite album of all time. I could listen to it 20 times a day. So yes, maybe I stole it. He. He.

  3. “Ah! Fuck this and fuck that
    Fuck it all the fuck out of the fucking brat
    She don’t wanna a baby that looks like that
    I don’t wanna a baby that looks like that”

    Johnny Rotten’s take on abortion. Genius.

  4. It is time that four outgoing City Councilors – Greg Neitzert, Pat Starr, Marshal Selfburg, Curt Soehl, and Alex Jenson form an “Concerned Citizens Political Action Committee” or an Organization to force these meetings into PUBLIC, allowing the public to become more engaged in the whole topic of concern. I do agree with Scott, that these Animals should be preserved, and IF these four Councilors stand up today, in the days leading to their expiring terms, they could from an outside GROUP OF PEOPLE that can elect within the group a Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, hire an Attorney to help form and draft initiatives, resolutions, to find a common sense solution to maintaining, keeping, and preserving the Henry Brockhouse Aminal Collection as a public asset. A mechanism that can totally “Negociate” side by side with the City Government, outside the norms of the Governing Board, where the Governing Board aka City Council is restricted by charter, an “Outside Group of Concerned Citizens” acting in an organized, and respectful manner, led by the outgoing City Councilors can in fact place extreme pressure on the Administration, the City Council, the City Government to do as the people desire. One, it has Referrendum Power, Advocacy Power, and Constitutionality Power. The PEOPLE are above the Government, and organized, the PEOPLE can beat the City Government at its own game. I urge you to reach out to the five outgoing City Council Members today. Respectively, Mike Z.

  5. That’s a great name for a new burger shop here in town: ‘Selfburg’. It could be a make it yourself kind of place using an assembly line process. #HaveItYourWay

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