By l3wis

12 thoughts on “Where have the teabaggers been the past 8 years?”
  1. you’d think he was liquored up when he did this stuff.
    Their, they’re, there
    dept – debt
    accept – except

    maybe we should pitch in and buy him a pocket dictionary.

  2. Leave Scott a loan. Do you have any idea how much snark it takes to keep this site afloat? Do macs even have grammar check?

  3. I fixed it babies, last I checked anyway, English still isn’t the offishul language of American. Blaaah

    Funny part is that my word program has the FK application which rates grammar and corrects it for you, I have a feeling if I would use it I would have a rating of zero.

  4. You’ll always be a zero in my book, DL. Grammar be damned! I think you talk real good. Word. foreelz!

  5. on the “tea party” thing…

    Are we supposed to be protesting the pre-Bush tax rate of an extra 4% on anything over a quarter of a million dollars?

    Or are we supposed to rail against the stimulus?

    As I understand it, Economist John Maynard Keynes advised FDR on the stimulus spending that got us out of the Great Depression – wingnut revisionist history aside.

    But right-wing talk radio and “False News” tells us differently.

    My question: who should we listen to?

    Nobel prize winning ECONOMIST Paul Krugman (we need a BIGGER stimulus package) or Glen Beck (high school education, recovering alcoholic), Sean Hannity (high school education, no college), Rush Limbaugh (oxycontin addict, high school education – flunked out of college his freshman year)?

  6. I think we should listen to our hearts.

    Hey… it worked for Roxette.

    Listen to your heart
    When hes calling for you.
    Listen to your heart
    Theres nothing else you can do.
    I dont know where youre going
    And I dont know why,
    But listen to your heart
    Before you tell him goodbye.

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