I was on the fence of who I was going to vote for. I did support Jordan in the general election, but after that I started to think he may not want the job. Obviously he is NOT the mayor’s candidate and will push an agenda that is more citizen and neighborhood driven. Those parts I like about him. But it is his background in housing with his family business the main reason I cast my vote for him. The housing crisis in this community will hit a critical level by the end of 2024 and we need someone on the council who understands urban planning and affordable housing.

While I like Thomason and do think he is his own person when it comes to what he wants to do on the council, and I believe if he does succeed in winning the seat he will accomplish some stuff. But selling himself as Pro-Business while taking checks from those folks doesn’t garner a lot of confidence that he would be a neighborhood builder, just more of the same, unsustainable tax rebates and TIFs.

I don’t want a city councilor who sits around and waits for city hall to make a move, I want a city councilor who is out in the community building relationships on the ground. That happens at a neighborhood park not at a Chamber mixer.

The choice is pretty easy, if you want Sioux Falls housing to get better and lift more people out of poverty, Deffenbaugh is your man.

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “Deffenbaugh for more affordable housing”
  1. You’ve come to your senses with this post.
    I was worried earlier in the week when you professed to be on the fence and in need of convincing from your readers.
    Your words for Thomason are kind. All statemanlike rhetoric aside, he would be just another in a long line of bought and paid for, ready-made rubberstamps.

  2. I have had many great convos with Richard, and I like him, but when I compare apples to apples, Jordan is the better apple, hands down. The problem is Thomason has the $$$ and the voter advantage (his supporters are in the precincts with the biggest turnout) and if Jordan pulls this off, it will be one of the biggest turnarounds in the city’s election history. I also have a feeling voter turnout will be low, so that is another factor. I couldn’t tell you how this one goes. I also get the feeling from Thomason he is kind of doing this on his own. He has some helpers but like Jordan, he is knocking down the doors himself.

  3. Just from the ads he seems inexperienced but the better candidate. With Home Rule Charter he’ll be great for kissing up to the Mayor. Councilor is just for looks so people don’t realize there’s anarchy. There’s low voter turnout because intelligent citizens realize they have no voice.
    There are NYSE home builders to recruit for here. They’d build subdivision homes by the hundreds. The apartments market is rigged, overpriced, and one builder. People can own a home but it’ll have to be outside city limits where there’s land and no city zoning corruption to prevent it.
    David Z got in trouble. I suspect it’s TRUMPed up charges (pun intended). One of the mayors bag of tricks when you’re getting in the way of his sell out to developers policy.

  4. It’s okay to be torn, they both seem like decent guys who would do their best.

    “But it is his background in housing with his family business the main reason I cast my vote for him. ”

    JD doesn’t seem to have much endorsement from either the HBA or AGC regarding his homebuilder family background & maybe that’s not what he’s after w/his campaign, are you certain he’s aligned with any or all of them politically?

  5. Nice try Sy. I actually support him because of his Strongtown values, and not the status quo of our current housing situation. We are in this mess because there is no density regulations in SF, and the home builders gladly obliged.

  6. I see a huge difference in the Sioux Falls of today vs the Sioux Falls of 30 years ago. I wonder how many addresses today are occupied by residents with a mortgage and how many are occupied by those who are renting? Home equity used to be a real thing. Today it is far off dream. And rent? Way too high per sq. foot. Same with real estate taxes. These issues are a crisis in the making. Jeff is the right person to take this on. Sadly, the few in town who own all the 100 unit apartment complexes will get there guy.

  7. This town could use some land reform. The once demolition in McKennan Park was informative and inspirational. #TaupevilleBeware!

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