Maren has a lot of experience as you can see from her LinkedIn and it varies in a lot of different ways. She also has experience in musical performance. As a visual artist, I will tell you, that musicians and singers have a lot in common with visual artists because our creative process works very similarly.

My only concern about the arts coordinator position has always been the same, I think this is just a way to control the public art in our community and turn it into a corporatist model like our park’s system and sponsorships.

We have already seen this when a private donor, Mr. Lime Green Lambo, gave money to paint a mural on the bunker ramp.

I will say it again, when the public funds public art, that process should be open, if it is not, it is no different then propaganda.

I think Maren is an excellent choice, unfortunately she will probably realize quickly that the lack of leadership at city hall will hamper her advancement, and she will be gone, like MOST of Poops directors and management.

I will give her one tidbit of advice. When you see the ship sinking, LEAVE, don’t try to fix it. You can’t.

6 Thoughts on “City of Sioux falls actually hires someone with experience for the new arts coordinator

  1. My Mistake Mike on May 17, 2024 at 8:32 am said:

    Maren is a great hire. Perfect for the job. I hope the powers that be will keep out of the way and let her do it.

  2. l3wis on May 17, 2024 at 2:46 pm said:

    Yeah, I know her from somewhere, like I met her on an art board or something, but it has been years. Her hardest task will be instituting policy based on her experience and talents because there is one thing this ‘boss’ doesn’t like, and that is being outshined by his minions. I’m sure she will present wonderful ideas and most will get shot down because the donors in this town decide, just look at the Bunker Ramp, the Levitt donation today, Jacobsen plaza, Midco. Sandford Wellness, and the list goes on and on. This town is officially for sale, and I guarantee she has probably been instructed to start selling!

  3. Very Stable Genius on May 17, 2024 at 3:17 pm said:

    “…. I think this is just a way to control the public art in our community and turn it into a corporatist model like our park’s system and sponsorships”….

    Yep, first the Active Transportation Board and the Parks Board do a 180 on their positions concerning e-bikes and the bike trail system (sidewalks, too.), then Jaunt E-bikes wants to come to town with 25 mph e-bikes to be used on our bike trail system which actually has a 15 mph speed limit. (Although, Jaunt doesn’t want you to use them on the sidewalks, but why not?… The city doesn’t have a problem with e-bikes on the sidewalks… ) #WhoAreTheInvestors?

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Maybe that guy who sold his yellow trikes is into Jaunt”….
    … ( … “No, what a minute, that would be”joint”, wouldn’t it?”…. 🙂 )

  4. Jon Jermane on May 18, 2024 at 9:59 pm said:

    Charles has gone red. Dua has gone country. Trump’s numbers are rising. Cricket is dead, but, but at least, McDonald’s is coming out with a $5 meal.

  5. Nood on May 19, 2024 at 12:08 pm said:

    Ever notice we need to keep hiring new roles or make new positions because dozens and dozens of others have valiantly fled because they hate working under Ten Hhaken and Beck’s regime?

  6. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on May 20, 2024 at 10:19 am said:

    Is there a position at city hall, where all you have to do is come up with new title names for city positions? If so, I want that job. #TalkAboutEntitlement

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