It is unfortunate that this important public meeting is on a MONDAY at 3:30 PM, Downtown at the Admin Building with little free parking. This should have been at the main library at night. Either or, if you have time, here it is;

Published on May 10, 2024At the Public Transit Advisory Board meeting on May 20, 2024, held at 3:30 p.m. at City Center, Room 110, 231 North Dakota Avenue, there will be a public hearing on transformational improvements for the Sioux Falls public transit network. Sioux Area Metro’s new transit provider, Via, will present the SAM Reimagined plan, which includes improvements to bus routes for more direct trips, easier transfers, and shorter wait times; expanded availability and frequency of public transit for more residents in Sioux Falls; and expanded Via SAM On Demand service to the entire city, with a focus on areas that are not within walking distance from bus stops. Residents will only gain, not lose, transit service as a result of the SAM Reimagined plan.

The public is encouraged to attend the meeting on May 20 to learn more about the proposed changes and share input. Public engagement opportunities were provided online through May 8, and an Open House was held on May 6. Pending approval by the Public Transit Advisory Board, Sioux Falls City Council will consider the improvements to the bus routes in June.

One Thought on “Public Transit Advisory Board to Consider Changes to Transit Network

  1. 3 buses from Fargo, Margo. on May 20, 2024 at 10:23 pm said:

    The ‘Transit Network’ sounds like a Saturday morning kids’ show that Jerry Falwell would have had problems with….

    They say all roads lead to Rome, but when will the buses penetrate Taupeville?

    Penetration, it’s the best way to explore new possibilities.

    Unlike Vegas, however, what goes on in Taupeville doesn’t stay there. It bleeds north. It penetrates the greater city like a network of possibilities for some, but not the many. Now, that’s called networking and to network means to get on the bus and hopefully you can do it while still staying on the wagon. Else, like Gus, you might just miss the bus, but don’t worry, there’s another one tomorrow, or at least that’s what they say in Taupeville, or do they?

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