Good to know . . . surprised that Hanson was the last one to touch this, thought maybe Poops, who loves to play word games with titles didn’t change it.

I also love hearing slip ups by councilors during live meetings. Last week during an informational a certain councilor asked a director ‘Whose throat to choke? As the mayor always likes to say.’ HMMM, seems like very strange hyperbole Mr. Mayor. Better be careful with your WORDS, wouldn’t want people to think you are making a threat.


  1. BettieSioux on June 18, 2024 at 9:02 am said:

    Being a city within the top 120 in population, you’d think we would begin allowing for the additional names to be used for development. Le Sigh, but our development is trash and the longer I live the more i see sioux falls city design as a total travesty le sigh le sigh

  2. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on June 18, 2024 at 11:58 am said:

    Affordable housing became accessible housing. So, what if we changed Circle to Carousel? Which is a lot like affordable, I mean accessible housing where you just go around in circles with a smile on your face, but with nothing accomplished? AND, what do you call it if you are in a rotary, but can’t get out of it?…. Oh, and has anyone told the fine folks over by McKennan Park that they have a “minor” street. Also, if a Street or Avenue touches a Circle, then wouldn’t that be a Tangent? AND also, what if you are on a Court, which is attached to a “wandering” Trail, which then leads you to a “private” Place, are you lost?… ( What about a Way? Why don’t we have Ways?…. Or, would that be way too much for most and not French enough?…. (( But then again, then why isn’t a Circle called a Cul-de-Sac then?))

  3. Further Fear & Loathing on June 18, 2024 at 10:44 pm said:

    Didn’t we once name a street or avenue after Elton John? Whatever happened to that path? And what if we named a lane after Nathan Lane, would it be called Nathan Lane or Nathan Lane Lane? And what about a scholar who lives on a road, or would that be off of a Rhodes?* Oh, and we once had an atomic plant near here, too, which was called the Pathfinder, didn’t we? I’m not sure what road it was on, but I’m sure there was path that could help you find it back in the day. 🙂

    *. Back in about 1991, KDLT’s weekend crew once made mention, with big graphics, that a local student had become a Roads Scholar…. True story, I’m not kidding… Although, they do say that once you are a Rhodes Scholar, the rest of your life is a free ticket to somewhere great….. 🙂 #LastTraintoLondon(Oxford?)

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