Thot I would also post MP’s comments on the matter. I like how he uses his donation to censoring a mural because him and Poops thot it was racist, then the Smithsonian used it. The guy is a cultural vacuum. Also, as for story leads, I am sitting on one of the biggest city stories I have had in years, bigger then the Events Center siding debacle. The sad part is I can’t give it to any local journalists because they are incompetent, and like some have done, if I give them a story lead, they run to the city or school district and tattle that I am looking for the story. I have been following some leads, and I am close to breaking it. Let’s just say, when this comes out, the impression that folks have about city government will change, and it will change quickly. It’s bad. Very bad.

During this entire debacle with the Dakota Scout and Argus I have just been back and watching as this all unfolds. Joe Sneve, a PARTIAL owner of the DS sent me these texts May 30, just minutes after I ended a phone conversation with Councilor Thomason. I told Richard to ask who the investors were, and apparently he did, because I got this unsolicited text from Joe;

As you can see, Joe doesn’t reveal ANY outside investors, he tells me that him and Jon used their life savings. He has continued to send me harassing texts claiming I am lying about the ownership.

How would you interpret that? I asked who the investors were and he told me him and Jon used their life savings.

Joe sent me a text last week accusing me of LYING about the texts. As you can see, there was a reason to cover up the investors since one of the main investors gave money to ALL 9 councilors on the dais, Matt Paulson. This is what his RAGE is all about, getting caught in a LIE.

I stopped giving leads to local journalists. They seem to be more concerned about keeping their investors happy instead of informing the public.

7 Thoughts on “UPDATE: If you can’t trust local journalists, who can you trust?

  1. Tony on July 15, 2024 at 1:56 pm said:

    Keep up the good local reporting. Nobody else brings up the issues you do, most likely because Matt Paulson doesn’t have you on his payroll. Please don’t change.

  2. Carol on July 15, 2024 at 3:18 pm said:

    If no one wants your leads, maybe it’s time for self-reflection.

  3. The Guy From Guernsey on July 15, 2024 at 3:28 pm said:

    Within 30 minutes after completing a convo with a City Councilor?!?!

    Not necessarlity pertaining to prayers and supplication, nor to God’s ear, but certainly appropriate the phrase, “from your lips to someone’s ear”.

  4. scott on July 15, 2024 at 3:50 pm said:

    print a newsletter called the dacola scout and leave it on the counter at hardee’s.

  5. Scott D Hudson on July 15, 2024 at 4:56 pm said:

    Poor Matt isn’t going to make enough off his DS investment to buy another new watch! We better start a GoFundMe for him! (Oh wait, that’s the city’s job to line his pockets.)

  6. l3wis on July 15, 2024 at 5:33 pm said:

    Not a bad idea, maybe I need to put ads in the DS that say ‘can’t be bought’ except by Neil Jeske, lol

  7. Very Stable Genius on July 15, 2024 at 6:57 pm said:

    The Dakota Republican, I mean Scout, is a Republican rag just like the Argus used to be back in the 1960s and early 70s when Christopherson ran it…. The large Thune ads speak loudly…. Some of us remember when Christopherson would run these questionable poll results on the front page of the Argus to make it look like McGovern was going to lose, but he always won back then….

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