Paul struggles with his Constitutional oath of office. When you say you will defend the constitution that means every amendment including the first. At the informational Curt was cutting people off also. I will remind the mayor for the 1000th time, people can say whatever they want to at public input as long as they are not physically threatening council. It is really frustrating that constitutional officers don’t understand their oath. Oh that’s right Paul went to the school of doxing and closed government. If he ever cuts me off I will continue to speak right thru him, because I know the security police in the room will not arrest anyone for practicing their 1st Amendment rights.

By l3wis

One thought on “Mayor TenHaken continues to cut off public inputers”
  1. “Say, is the ‘School of Doxing and Closed Government’ out of Dordt?”….. “What about the School of Selfies?”…. ( …. “Actually, that last one sounds more like a community college thing”…. ) …. 🙂

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