I saw the last vestige of these tonight. Drivers have successfully destroyed every single one of you. Before the haters start in, I supported painting the streets, I actually think the painted part should go all the way thru the intersection and should be a bright hazard orange with white stripes and even verbiage that says ‘CAUTION-PEDS’. But putting out devices that cost taxpayers money and destroy vehicles is a very bad idea. Do you think the city engineers learned anything? Doubtful.

They should put this ribbon candy on the bike trail to help regulate all of the class III e-bikes that are going between 20 to 30 mph on the trail.
If it’s something ridiculous, the city deploys it. It’s comedy citizens need so they’ll accept TIF corruption and inflated unnecessary bridge beautification. The city TV channel will become comedy shows before another events center happens downtown without a vote. The web site could be ‘Parks and Rec’ reruns when the parks director initiates more bathhouses for the upper class. Free tickles on Election Day?
‘”Rip Wave Thingy”‘, which is not to be confused with String Theory or Rip Van Winkle. But in the paradoxical world of quantum physics, it could also be known as “Rip Particle Thingy”, which in such case would make this ribbon candy either a wave or a particle, but that depends upon whether you experience it or not; but if you don’t see it and drive over it would that be noticed or heard, or even experienced, or is it like that tree falling in the forest thingy? #RipTaylor
It all makes sense to me, because if you get particle board wet, then it becomes wavy.
Wasn’t it all paid for through a grant with the AARP?
I hope someone learned something by running into them.
The good question is why they don’t paint cross walks or have stop signs. Famously, no stop signs or crosswalks by Horace Mann Elementary.