A good attorney would have told you, you can’t win. So why didn’t the same attorney tell you to file NEW charges in a NEW case?! I have said this is NOT about state law and filing deadlines this is about a MASSIVE conflict of interest. Every single elected official on that dais, including Mayor Poops, received donations and campaign help from the Skab’s main investor, Matt Paulson, then they voted to GIVE a contract to the same person who donated to their campaigns. But it gets even better, they all knew Matt and his Peach colored Lambo SUV was an investor in the Skab before the vote, but the public didn’t know. Probably one of the most unethical and corrupt votes I have ever seen the council take. Quid pro Quo. How can anyone TRUST the council to make a decision based on fairness from now on? They can’t. And here is the kicker, the Argus has more circulation and reach then the Skab, so this tells me the decision by the councilors was based on bias and not facts. I will say it again, I don’t think either paper should have the notices, a gigantic waste of tax dollars. You can see all the notices to your heart’s delight for free online and if you don’t know what the internet is you can always go down to the clerk’s office and get a copy. So wasteful, but not surprising since our state legislature is ran by the stupidest people imaginable. Still waiting for ETC. or 605 Magazine to apply for the notices. I wonder if the AL counsel even knows what a conflict of interest is . . . remember when Randall Beck was gunning for the Denty?

Ironically, if the AL would have reached out I could have provided them evidence of the corruption and lies with some very colorful text messages from one of the Skab owners(?). To which he sent me even more nasty messages before I had to block him. He’s a real Prickly Pear. Maybe the council pricked the Skab because of their enormous professionalism 🙂 and almost Pulitzer Prize winning journalism in uncovering Noem’s hair salon receipts.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Argus drops case against the Skab”
  1. He only becomes PRICKly when he’s been drinking. Which, I’ve observed, is pretty often these days.

  2. It’s definitely a conflict of interest, but isn’t the problem that there is a lack of conflict of interest laws on the books in this state? #BananaRepublic

    ( and Woodstock adds: “And on another note, did you see our Governor dancing with Trump on a Georgia stage for 38 minutes last night?”…… #Ackward ……:

    FF: 01:25:


  3. VSG, I would agree, our ethics laws are worthless in SD and the AL probably figured they were screwed with judicial relief. Just look at the plagiarized campaign forms with the school district or Marshall living out of his district for a year. Nothing happened because no one cares about ethics. No worries, I have a surprise cooking for the Skab and they ain’t going to like it and neither is the council, but I figured it was a last ditch effort to rub it in their faces that they took an unethical vote on the Skab and I will probably proceed to the School Board to tell them the same thing.

    MMM, I know several prominent Republicans in Sioux Falls that read the Skab but don’t like Joe and have quietly been complaining to the other investors to kick him to the curb. I like Ellis, but I think he will let Joe sink the Skab before he lets him go, or he ends up in jail.

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