There is this display on South Minnesota Avenue, someone placed PRO-Abortion signs with Sue Peterson signs. I know who lives there, seems like something they would do, LOL.

By l3wis

One thought on “Sue Peterson supports abortion?”
  1. How about that time when that adult store in Tea endorsed Sandy Jerstad for re-election to the state senate and placed this endorsement on their marquee…. LOLs. 2008, I believe. It was when District 12, for ten years, wandered down into Tea via Republican gerrymandering and Jerstad had publicly criticized the store’s existence in Tea, during that time, to “stimulate” conservative votes towards her.

    On another note, Karl Mundt used to encourage unions to endorse his Democratic opponents….. Like the more conservative Teamsters…. Karl, the trickster….

    Oh, and on a completely different note, when are we going to erect a statue in honor of the roughly 1000 people who died in South Dakota directly due to Noem’s COVID policies, when you compare South Dakota’s COVID stats to say a state like Walz’s Minnesota that had far more restrictive policies? We could call it the Freedom and Liberty Statue and place it near the wild stallons on the Capitol lakefront. 🙂

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