The top 4 projects were either paid for by taxpayers or patients, and none of these projects will produce property tax revenue. I have often said the building permits need to be split-up between commercial, housing, institutional non-profit and government and show us what the private sector is really doing. It still puzzles me that you can boast about spending our tax and healthcare dollars and spin it into some big statement on growth. When non-profits and government are spending more on development then the private sector, you got problems. Then there is all the grift in the form of tax rebates and TIF’s for the private developers. All $1 Billion in building permits means to me is my taxes and healthcare costs are going up.
The City also claims that we will have a population of 219,000 by the end of the year. If that’s the case, then we will be bigger than Salt Lake proper, and we are already bigger than Des Moines proper, which means Sioux Falls is now the biggest town, I mean city, in six states…. If we are not careful, however, we will start to have big blue-city problems, like homelessness, housing affordability, and crime…. But wait a minute, we are already having these problems, and with red leadership (?)……. #SoMuch4TheBlueCityTheory #SeeingRed #BoiseWatchOut!
( and Woodstock adds: “Bigger than Salt Lake?”…… “Will that mean an influx of Mormons into our town?”….. ( ….. “AND, how many school vouchers are they going to want?”….. 🙁 ….. ))