“That’s why I left South Dakota, too many dirt bags and they all live in Pierre.”

By l3wis

13 thoughts on “Getting rid of the crooks, one ‘dirt bag’ at a time (write your own caption)”
  1. DeepSeek is the Sputnik of our time. Perhaps, we can use that APP to learn how to handle Trump and Noem.

  2. Currently, the White House is not sure if this new federal spending freeze includes Medicaid. Well, that ought to be good for our nursing home crisis in this state. Thus, I guess maybe it’s okay for Noem to help round up the illegals because now they’ll have one last place to work.

    ‘Clockwork Orange’ has come to America and Noem and Thune are a part of it. #WeAreSoProud #Naught

    Noem is in charge! But can it be done without the National Guard?

    I miss the good old days when politicians wore suits and dresses and did their part. Now, they merely try to dress the part and fool no one but themselves.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Say, if Noem pulls a string on that vest will a parachute come out or just Cory?”…. )

  3. They say that ‘Wonder Woman’ came to New York, but why did Noem show up, too?

  4. ‘Clockwork Orange II’: The Proud Boys’ second act….. Coming to a theater near you, but unlike Lincoln, I’d stay home if I was you.

  5. Off topic but, July 4th fireworks at Mount Rushmore and announcement of placement of the orange faced cheetoh thereupon…anyone? Perish the thought but then, look where we’re at! Sheeeeeaat!

  6. I got to thinking. Obama once spoke of ‘The Audacity of Hope,’ while Trump has squandered the hope and with great audacity.

    I’m sorry but given Noem’s involvement in these ICE raids, this only goes to prove that she is nothing but a publicity whore, no, she is.

    A course, this is the same Noem who allowed 929 South Dakotans to die of COVID who would not have died had they lived in Minnesota, which had far more restrictive COVID policies, but yet even a more dense population. AND, if you don’t believe this, then do the math in comparing the populations and the death counts from COVID between the two states.

    Now, Noem claims that these deaths resulted from “freedom” and “liberty”, but if that is such the case then shouldn’t at least a statute be resurrected in their honor and placed next to the fighting stallions on the Capitol grounds in Pierre? Because, didn’t they die fighting in a war for “freedom” and “liberty?”

    AND, now we hear from Caroline Kennedy who claims her cousin Bobby is a predator who used to place live mice and baby chickens into a blender to make food for his hawks. Oh really? That might be even worse than shooting your dog or goat, I don’t know…. But boy, what a Cabinet, or should we say #PredatoryCabinetIndeed
    #MiceChickensDogs&GoatsBeware! #AndIllegalsToo!

  7. Wyoming is planning to build its own “Mt. Rushmore”, that’s probably will Cheetoh the Cheater will be placed.
    But what will Dusty do then? Can he still save and or preserve Mt. Rushmore if there’s a bikers’ exodus to Wyoming to pay homage to the Miss Buffalo Chip stalker-in-chief instead? Montana already has “Topless Tuesday,” and soon Wyoming will have the “Shrine of Orangean,” and we all know that local government in Sturgis is in an upheaval, so, can Dusty really save Mt. Rushmore? Perhaps, Dusty will have to save Sturgis to save Rushmore by going in true Pee-wee Herman fashion to a biker bar in Sturgis, but topless, so he can impress those present at the infamous basement Dungeon Bar….

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Oh man, my cousin once went to that bar, but he said the women there were really religious because most of them were on their knees”…. 🙂 )

  8. Seeing her all glammed up to cosplay as a cop makes me wonder what kinds of special outfits she wears for her (alleged) boytoy Corey Lewandowski.

  9. I think around Halloween time, a gal can find a mini-skirt version of a Keystone cop outfit, handcuffs included.

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