What’s the big deal with naked people anyway? Pretty soon we won’t even be able to be naked in the shower;

BOULDER, Colo. (AP) — The American Civil Liberty Union is lobbying for changes to state law to prevent streakers from being classified as sex offenders.

The move follows the arrests of a dozen people who ran naked down Boulder’s pedestrian mall last Halloween and faced having to register as sex offenders if convicted. The 12 ticketed during the Naked Pumpkin Run faced indecent exposure charges, but most pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct.

Also last year, more than 60 cyclists biked bare in Boulder to protest oil-burning cars.

The ACLU is hosting a public forum called “Naked in Boulder” Tuesday at the Wolf Law Building on the University of Colorado campus to discuss whether streakers, naked cyclists and others should be treated as protesters and pranksters or criminals and sex offenders.

By l3wis

One thought on “Will the Statue of David be charged as a sex offender?”
  1. This is where the city of Sioux Falls has had family events such as music and movies in the park. If David had a pulse he would be charged for possession of with the intent to distribute a large penis. I never knew a flaccid Penis could be so hard until I seen it in Sioux Falls for myself.

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