
He did this several times with Bush, and that knucklehead stayed to the end.

See Cheney’s fantasy world gito speech here.


By l3wis

15 thoughts on “Olbermann rips Cheney a new one. But will it do any good?”
  1. I think Dick Cheney has gone insane.

    I say that with no intended snarkiness – I fully believe that Dick Cheney has literally lost his mind.

    Cheney dodged the draft because he believed that he could better serve his country as a politician than as a soldier.

    He was White House Chief of Staff for Ford. Then he served in the House, then again in the White House as Secretary of Defense under George HW Bush, then after five years as chairman and CEO of Halliburton, became Vice President in the George W Bush administration…

    The Clinton administration warned Bush/Cheney over and over and over that their number 1 job was Osama Bin Ladin. But they ignored it.

    Even after receiving a PDB titled “Bin Laden to strike within the United States” on August 6, 2001 they -again- ignored the warning – Bush actually went on vacation (again) down to Crawford to “clear brush”

    And of course, on Sept 11, 2001 Bin Ladin DID strike the WTC killing thousands of eligible voters…

    …and Cheney lost his mind.
    Cheney KNEW immediately that they had (HE had) fucked up BIG TIME.

    Imagine that pants-crapping moment when he heard about the first plane – and he ran to a television set – and saw the second plane hit the WTC.

    Dick Cheney was supposed to be the expert – hell, he was Bush Sr.’s Secretary of Defense (War)! …and now the biggest attack since Pearl Harbor was happening – on HIS WATCH!

    He became paranoid and started to hide in “undisclosed locations” because he was terrified for his place in history as a failure.

    He sanctioned torture. He lied about connections of 9-11 and Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda. He kept lying and when Joe Wilson called the Bush Administration of the lie about yellow-cake uranium – Cheney outed Valerie Plame – one of our own CIA agents! That’s treason! (crazier and more desperate…)

    And now that we KNOW they were lying, he’s desperately holding press conferences to try to do damage control over how history will view him. Screw Bush – Cheney doesn’t care about Bush – never did. Screw Bush and Rice and Powell – screw ALL of them. Dick Cheney is worried about DICK CHENEY and how he will (correctly) be perceived by history as a miserable failure.

    Watch him when he holds these press conferences… watch his face.

    He’s lost his mind.

    For real.

    And his daughter Liz (little dick) knows this and is desperately trying to do damage control for her dad.

    …because she loves her daddy, but she too, knows that her father’s place in history is, and forever will be, as among the most despicable political characters EVER.

    Or am I wrong?

  2. …and further…

    Wasn’t Dick Cheney one of the BIGGEST purveyors of the proposition that it’s TREASON to criticize a sitting president during a time of war?

    …the war is still going on, after all.

  3. That would be an intersting montage: get clips of Cheney during the run-up to the Iraq war and then compare them with his more recent interviews. It should be enough that nobody would listen to him again.

  4. Back in the days of Nixon and Watergate, the GOP knew enough to know the guy should be impeached. Nixon resigned before that happened. This was illegal wiretapping, but no where NEAR the illegal wiretapping that happened under Cheney/Bush.

    Then there are the war crimes.

    WHY are these men walking freely in society? Seriously. Getting air time, yet. And I read/hear that Obama doesn’t want the past admin. prosecuted? WHAT ever happened to rule of law?

  5. Are you comparing Obama to Ford?

    Going down in history as being either evil or incompetent is punishment enough. Time to move on.

  6. “WHY are these men walking freely in society? Seriously. Getting air time”

    I’m all for Cheney flapping his trap, I just suggest he does it in front of a judge under oath.

  7. First off, on any given night 100+/- million people are sitting at home in front of the tube. Know how many of them tune in to Olberman to hear his pompous, blowhard, ignorant & intentionally misleading re-meat rants? about 1% of them. Check it out:

    8PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
    Countdown w/Keith Olbermann —1,229,000 viewers (329,000) (601,000)


    So, he’s gone to his one club in his bag to bash Cheney and demand him to “just go”. Once again displaying the level of intolerance and hatred that typify the worst type of partisan bigotry.

    As for Cheney, you all have fallen hook, line and sinker for the media template perpetuated by the likes of Olbermann, Dailey Kos, etc. The man did what he did to defend this country and the results of no other attack on this Nation since 9-11 speak for themselves to the other 90% of the rest of the country, you know all those people you look down your noses at as small-minded, simpleton rubes. Many of whom were open-minded enough to vote for Obama, no less.

    The reason Cheney hasn’t been frog marched is because they simply don’t have squat on him. If they did, they would’ve played that hand. Nothing’s changed in the last few years. They’ve spent several times more $$$ and several more years digging for anything they can on Cheney/Bush/Rummy and the best they could do was to catch Libby in a perjery trap. They’d have a good shot at Armitage, since he was the actual leaker, but he’s not sexy enough to prosecute, so there you go.

    You want a VP in chains for treason?, well take a good look at old loose lipped Joe and his revealing and now extreme backpedalling of the secret VP bunker.

    That’s pretty much cut & dried under 18 US Code Section 793:

    DOOOOOHHHH!!! If only Cheney had been such a nonchalant dumbass like Joe Biden.

  8. Whoops, tried to cite & block quote the US Code, didn’t work, sorry.

    Here’s the text:

    (f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or
    control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch,
    photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model,
    instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the
    national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to
    be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone
    in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or
    destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally
    removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in
    violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or
    destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft,
    abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer –
    Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten
    years, or both.


  9. But, Sy, WE got attacked under Cheney and Bush’s watch. So how did they keep us safe?

  10. We also got picked at for several years under Clinton. At least under Bush our response in taking the gloves off (and yes we went too far w/Iraq) made it clear that if you hit us, we will stop at nothing to take you the fuck out.

    The big question now, is if and when we get hit under Obama(and we just dodged a bullet in NYC with the Synagouge bombings) will we try to litigate and negotiate as we did under Clinton?

    BTW, I will give the Obama admin. credit for stopping the NYC deal as well as how they airholed the Somali punk pirates.

  11. “(and we just dodged a bullet in NYC with the Synagouge bombings)”

    Don’t you mean, Obama’s administration is doing their jobs by preventing an attack to begin with? Unlike Bush.

    It really doesn’t matter anyway, the thing that pisses me off the most about 9/11 is Bush and Rudy taking all the credit for the counter attack. They aren’t the ones in the trenches doing the dirty work.

  12. That old tired line of “we didn’t get attacked since 9/11″ BS is so lame, but it is also incorrect.

    Oh sure you might say we haven’t been attacked on US soil, but the number of terrorist acts against our troops has skyrocketed. They have killed more Americans after 9/11 than they did on 9/11.

    Even if you eliminate the terrorist acts in the middle east, giving credit to Cheney for what didn’t happen is purely idiotic.

    We didn’t all get stung by killer bees, SARS didn’t kill us, aliens didn’t invade Nebraska (that I’m aware of) and last I checked we weren’t struck by any meteorite larger than 12” in diamter during the entire eight years Cheney was in Washington.

    Should we give them credit for that too?

    I really do like the little reference to Olbermann’s ratings though… so am I to assume because someone’s ratings aren’t stellar that it somehow invalidates their statements or message? Now granted I don’t watch Olbermann either and frankly I don’t even care to see what he has to say about Cheney because I’m sure I can guess for myself, but if we base truth and facts upon ratings….does that mean Cheney and Bush are the biggest liars in the history of the United States?

    After all – their ratings (poll numbers) weren’t very darn good now were they.

  13. Not a valid comparision Cost, as most of those terror attacks occured against our troops in Afghanistan & Iraq. As I’d hope you are aware, we didn’t have 500K troops over there prior to 9-11.

    as for this line:

    “We didn’t all get stung by killer bees, SARS didn’t kill us, aliens didn’t invade Nebraska (that I’m aware of) and last I checked we weren’t struck by any meteorite larger than 12″ in diamter during the entire eight years Cheney was in Washington.”

    Those would technically qualify under the Constitutional definition of “enemies foreign and dometic” now, wouldn’t they?

    and perhaps you could point us to where one or any of those items have sworn to the destruction of the United States as opposed to any other country on the planet.

    and this gem:

    “but if we base truth and facts upon ratings….does that mean Cheney and Bush are the biggest liars in the history of the United States?”

    Nope, they’d come in just ahead of the last Congress’ approval ratings, which were lower than the Admins, and have been for quite some time. Unlike Bush/Cheney, they leadership of that Congress is still there and one of their Junior members is currently POTUS. So there you go.

  14. And yet his approval ratings are much higher than Congress, the former VP, and the former President.

    Not that approval ratings mean anything however – and that was my point in showing how idiotic your rant about Olbermann’s ratings were. Being popular doesn’t have any bearing whatsoever on the effectiveness or truthfulness of a person. The two concepts are in no way linked.

    You can use that old tired line of “bu bu bu Bush protected us!”, but 9/11 still happened on his watch. Name another President who had 3000 of their citizens killed from terrorism? So we are supposed to give him credit for what DIDN’T happen but forget about what DID? We are supposed to forget about anyone who died on 9/11 or before and just focus on those who didn’t die after that point?

    We are supposed to forget about all those men and women who died for us in Iraq and Afghanistan as if they don’t count merely because it happened outside our borders?

    We are supposed to forget that worldwide acts of terrorism against Americans have increased somewhere around 2000% as a direct result of our actions but pretend it is ok since it is killing Iraqi civilians instead of American civilians?

    We are supposed to excuse the fact that recruitment to Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups has actually increased dramatically since we went to Iraq, and has come to the point that even our own commanders on the ground have admitted we are in fact breeding terrorism the longer we remain in Iraq?

    But hey – why bother to speak of those things. Bush kept us safe right?

    There is a whole lot of stupid in that kind of logic.

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