By l3wis

10 thoughts on “Extra cheese, a 9 MM and a Pro-life bumper sticker please”
  1. I suppose if my delivery drivers were getting robbed at gunpoint, I might not like guns either. Can’t they just refuse to deliver certain places, or is that considered racist?

  2. Not really, a business has the right to refuse service to anyone, as long as there is already a policy in place. For instance, they would already have to have a map in place where they deliver. Delivery drivers get robbed all the time, that is the risk you take with having a job that permits you to talk on the phone with your friends and smoke pot all night. If Pizza Hut had a policy where there drivers were not supposed to be carrying guns, they had a right to fire him. Not to mention, I’m sure if they wouldn’t have, the thief might have sued them. But the gun nuts will have fun with this one, they think everyone should be armed at all times. Fear is a great way to sell guns.

  3. Ah, sweet memories…
    I had a friend in high school who worked for Papa John’s as a delivery guy. He’d get high at the end of his shift and pile up all kinds of stuff on a pizza crust and bring it over. The stoner special was the best pizza ever. Good times.
    I think I’d probably risk losing my pizza hut deliveryman job by carrying a weapon – at least if you get fired from that, one of the call centers would still hire you in a snap.

  4. Speaking of pro life bumper stickers and pizza … soon to come will be the picket signs out side of Little Caesers on 41st St. with the Hunt/Unruh crowd’s ballot item. (Will it still #6?) Their last run on that ballot, I saw a kid out there with a picket sign and it wasn’t a school holiday in either the public or Catholic schools.

  5. If they do call it #6, and it fails again, they’ll have to call the bill they’ll inevitably put on the next ballot #666.

  6. technically, i think when you “picket” some place you are protesting against the establishment which you place yourself at. Jim Fisher of LC is a member of my church, and i highly doubt he organized a “picket” of his own business. just saying.

    and to suggest that somehow those in favor of life also take their kids out of school to “picket” is quite a stretch. i look 15, but i’m 45. maybe it was me you saw.

    c’mon you guys. give us pro lifers a small break, eh?

  7. I’m guessing he was a homeschooler.

    Jackie, are you sure he wasn’t protesting Little Ceasar’s Pizza. That stuff tastes like frickin’ cardboard.

    I have always felt they should put the abortion ban and a ban on video lottery on the same initiative. They are both moral issues? Right?

    If it’s not right to ‘murder babies’ why is right to fund state government through gambling?

    If abortion gets banned, it will effect the same people gambling addiction does, the less fortunate.

  8. if you can get that bill established and up for vote, i’ll be the first in line to vote yes.

  9. That’s just it, won’t pass. South Dakotans will tell you to your face they are moral and good, blah, blah, blah. But when they get in the voting booth, they vote like the cheapskates they are.

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