
TV and newspapers often make excuses that they are too short staffed to get every story. While I agree to this at some extent, my argument has always been to stop covering the same story repeatdedly. It could be lazziness or an attempt to not cover anything too controversial, but we don’t need a weekly report about how much water is pumped out of a cave each week.

LEAD, S.D. – Officials at the Sanford Underground Laboratory at Homestake say the water level dropped a record 23 feet during continued pumping the past week. Water is now 40 feet below the critical 4,850-foot level, where the first major physics experiment will be installed.

Isn’t it bad enough that we have to here about Sanford in info-mercials on the news and in actual TV commercials of pregnant women dancing around to ‘Dah, Dah, Dah’? Do really have to have sump pump updates at the Sanford Lab?

Pumps that were turned on more than a year ago have dropped the water level 360 feet

And we have been telling you about it every 10 feet that has dropped.  Hey, I heard my neighbor is pumping water out of his basement today, maybe you should send a news crew over there to cover the progress.

“New at Six, the Smiths have just finished pumping water out of their laundry room. What’s next for the Smiths – find out.”

8 Thoughts on “Why is this a news story every week?

  1. Warren Phear on May 27, 2009 at 7:01 am said:

    That story every week when they COULD very well be doing this one about everbodies favorite sugardaddy, T Denny.

    Here’s how a First Premier credit card works.

    Credit limit $250
    Program Fee -$95
    Account Setup Fee -$29
    Participation Fee -$6 per month
    Annual Fee -$48 per year

    Total Usable Credit $72, before first purchase is made.

    It’s called Fee Harvesting. More here.

  2. l3wis on May 27, 2009 at 7:06 am said:

    I heard you get a free ‘Sanford Lab commemorative’ sump pump with each additional card ($125 additional card fee).

  3. John2 on May 27, 2009 at 7:49 am said:

    Bandksters’ friends. Johnson, Thune & Herseth Sandlin voted to support this loan sharking. They need to go.

  4. John2 on May 27, 2009 at 7:51 am said:

    Back on topic. L3wis, your neighbor needs to cut a press release on the status of pumping water out of his basement – THEN the media will pick it up and run with it. They love press releases – they free the media from working, thinking, and from thinking about work.

  5. l3wis on May 27, 2009 at 8:00 am said:

    Makes you miss Doug Lund’s reports about antique tractors and leftsa feeds? Huh? If it involved eating or bullshitting with old farmers, Lund was on the scene.

  6. Windsor:

    Funny but true. Since when is sump pumping news? Then I remembered: There’s a low threshold for what is news in KELOLAND.

    I think I’ll send KELOLAND a press release that for the 14th straight year, my basement has remained dry.

    Todd Epp
    SD Watch http://www.southdakotawatch.net

  7. l3wis on May 27, 2009 at 12:02 pm said:

    You should, make it all formal. The funny part is that it was an AP story, that was picked up by KELO and the RCJ. Talk about a slow news day.

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