Props to the Governator for just coming right out and saying that the real reason Republicans deny Global Climate Change so hotly is that they’re beholden to big business.

Kilmeade: But here’s the thing, Governor: A lot of people, a lot of Republicans in particular don’t believe there is Global Warming, there is Climate Change. They don’t believe the green technology and we talk to a lot of them on an every day basis. You’re a Republican, what do you know that they don’t?

Schwarzenegger: Well, I think they know the reality. I think they’re just trying to protect business. And in the end, they’re hurting business. Because we’ve proven in California that you can do both, that you can protect the environment and protect business. Even though in 2003, when I ran and I said that, people didn’t believe it but then we started building the ‘Hydrogen Highway‘ and passed the Green Building Initiative and the Million Solar Roof Initiative and the Ocean Action Plan and AB32 to make a commitment to roll back our greenhouse gas emissions and the low carbon fuel standards, all of those things that got world recognition, I think people realize now, ‘wait, this does not hurt our economy, this is actually a big plus’ because we’re creating jobs through green, clean technology.

This being Fox though, they had to end a rather lengthy interview on a more cheerful note, with Fox & Friends‘ Brian Kilmeade looking for some body-building tips. Arnold called him “without a doubt the most muscular television host,” whereupon Kilmeade positively swooned.

By l3wis

9 thoughts on “Hey Mike, take note; Green Energy good for the economy and jobs”
  1. Great. Yet another high-tech industry SD will lose out on because our leaders are too stupid to jump on the opportunity. Maybe I should run for governor instead of mayor.

  2. you know. alot of my clients are seriously delving into “green” as a viable way to do business. whether the governor says so or not!

    don’t count us out yet.

  3. I’m sure private industry will jump on this opportunity – the business owners in SD are pretty savvy.
    Our politicians seem to be stuck in 1952. I’d like to see more support, encouragement, and infrastructure improvements (ex: transmission lines for wind farms) that would allow the state to facilitate making money on “green” technology.

  4. I wouldn’t mind getting a divided check each year to offset my fed taxes like the Alaskans do for oil

  5. Set up wind turbines on every window and door in city hall. The vortex of suck created there could power the city for free.

  6. Hey, maybe instead of buying $800,000 windows for the Pavilion, we could put in the turbines instead.

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