Looks like Sioux Falls’ biggest developer is pulling the strings at City Hall again;

When the Sioux Falls City Council approved the sale of land on the north edge of downtown two years ago, it was meant to jump-start the transformation of a key part of the city’s core.

But two years later, the city still holds the title to the land on North Phillips Avenue, records show. And the ambitious development plan councilors envisioned is stalled, a result of the economic downturn and a soil contamination problem that could significantly raise the price on the project.

Both the city and the developer – Uptown at Falls Park – say they remain committed to developing the area. But Sioux Falls city councilors say they haven’t been updated on the development since approving it. And despite a development agreement that called for the city to sell the land, unexpected complications have prevented the sale.

This shouldn’t surprise those of us who have been following Mr. Lloyd’s chokehold on city hall. First he orchestrated getting our retail taxes raised so the taxpayers would have to build roads for developments on the edge of TEA, SD (still trying to figure out how this benefits SF residents.) But what is disheartening is that the council approved the downtown development two years ago and hasn’t received one penny yet. Why?

Craig Lloyd, a partner in the Uptown group, complimented city officials for trying to work through the problems.

What? You agreed to buy the land, why are we using taxpayer money to ‘work through the problems’? I’m sure you are very happy with the help. We are footing the bill for all the ‘tests’ and you haven’t given us one single penny.

I have always felt that Phillips to the Falls was a stupid idea. I said from the beginning, if developers want the land, let them develop it, build the road, etc, etc. Then there is the mayor breaking city ordinance to approve a 100% spending increase on the project ($1.5 million) without council approval. He claimed he needed to approve the increase ASAP so he did not have time to contact the council. Bullshit. We are almost five years later and not one shovel has been stuck in the ground yet. I am still frustrated that Munson wasn’t  charged with breaking city charter and thrown out of office. Phillips to the Falls is quickly turning into another Lloyd / Munson boondoggle on taxpayers. Staggers says it best;

“I thought we made a good-faith contract to get the money and we don’t have it yet,” Councilor Kermit Staggers said. “It’s a surprise, but not a surprise.”

We shouldn’t let private business or even our mayor take advantage of us. It is inexcusable. Someone on the council needs to step up and hold Munson accountable, in a big way. Enough is enough.

2 Thoughts on “Further proof that special interests run Sioux Falls

  1. redhatterb on June 8, 2009 at 7:13 pm said:

    I have always felt that the people who are in favor of ‘Quality of Life” improvements should be responsible for them. Real estate developers that want to keep creating new developments for the city, should build their own roads. Phillips to the Falls was a waste of money, and the mayor’s picture at the entrance is a disgrace.

  2. l3wis on June 9, 2009 at 6:03 am said:

    “Real estate developers that want to keep creating new developments for the city, should build their own roads.”

    I couldn’t agree more. But when you fund all the councilors election campaigns you expect something in return. Pay-to-Play baby, it’s the SD way.

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