El Duderama joins the Gargoyle Leader’s reader blogs, and even says some kind things about me. You know, in order to keep posting there your’e going to have to end each post with either a story about your morning run, morning bicycle commute or a Bible verse. I prefer the Bible verse, reading about other people excercising doesn’t inspire me, especially when they are pastey white and ‘Fleshy’.

By l3wis

10 thoughts on “The Ghost of Dude”
  1. Thanks for the plug. I’m suprised at how much my argus forum buddies talked about me while I was gone. I must have made an impression.
    I’m currently working on a good rant about the gas tax holiday. My next one will be an open letter. I haven’t decided on an addressee yet.
    Oh, and despite my fleshy appearance, I have actually been losing weight. Because I’m still in my 20’s, exercise still has the desired effect. Now if I could just lay off the beer for a while…

  2. Vodka Martini’s – straight up – a good exercise drinky.

    Funny you brought up running for mayor. I joked about it again the other day, just to run as a ‘issues candidate’ I think if we put our heads together, we could really put a 1-2 punch at the debates. The ‘REAL’ candidates need a good ruffling, the media sure as heck ain’t asking the real questions, maybe some of the other candidates should. I mean, c’mon, who cares if someone got a ticket for sliding on the ice thru a stop sign?! Yeah, that’s newsworthy. Maybe if it was the same sign ‘Bubba’ had sex with.

    Here’s what I have heard so far:


    Central District:
    Michelle Erpenbach (she moved out of Litz’s district)

  3. He said on the Argus blog “He’s a real nice guy if you ever meet him.” HA!
    That will make some people laugh. I can’t rememeber that last person I spoke to who I didn’t have to defend you against the “wow, he’s an angry little man”. I usually say you’re not angry just outspoken, cynical and haven’t had sex in nearly decade.

  4. Not all of jump the first train that comes along, or in your case the second train. Choo! Choo!

  5. The debates would be priceless. I think between the two of us, we’d probably get a few more people out to vote. Staggers would offer some pretty good competition at the debates, but I’m not sure about the other two. I also wonder which of the circus of candidates from last time around will show up again.
    Plus, I hear chicks dig guys with power. Being the only single candidate might put an end to your “born-again virgin” status.

  6. I wouldn’t believe everything that cooked rabbit has to say, just because I don’t kiss and tell. On a different note, I could be the Lenny Kravitz of the Mayoral race.

  7. yeah.

    you and Lenny are both kind of “kings of cliche…”

    tell me you are kidding with this whole line of conversation about running for public office, right?

  8. Who, me or him?
    I was kidding when I started out, but this thing grew some legs (albeit vestigial ones). I may get a petition drive going just to see if I could get any votes.

  9. My platform:

    Prochoice/Anti-censorship/underground artist/secularist

    I think that would garner like 10-20 votes.

  10. My platform: Get the younger citizens of Sioux Falls (who are not well-represented by our current government) involved in city politics and interested in the direction this city is headed. Right now, a relative few, mostly old voters decide on this city’s issues. If the younger crowd doesn’t have a voice, they’ll continue to leave.
    (I may have to copy this to my own little blog)

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