Mr. Law, I hope you have a lot of time on your hands;

A year-old city ordinance which restricts the placement of video lottery casinos faces its first legal challenge.

Rick Law filed a lawsuit this month in Minnehaha County Circuit Court, asking a judge to find the ordinance unconstitutional.

While I think VL is a scourge on our society, I do agree with Mr. Law that the ordinance is unconstitutional, of course our fine city thinks they have the authority to do what they want. State Constitution? What’s that?

Sioux Falls officials have said the city’s home-rule charter gives them authority to regulate zoning issues.

Sure, but the home-rule charter is unconstitutional, statewide and federally. As you know Dan Daily has been fighting it for over two years. If I was Mr. Law, I would save your money on legal fees and wait to see how Dan’s case turns out . . . whenever that will happen, God only knows. The final day of the trial was supposed to be on July 17, but the assistant city attorney managed to weasel out of it, again, and move it to September. That’s fine, the closer it is to the city elections, the better.

3 Thoughts on “Good Luck with that case

  1. Ghost of Dude on July 20, 2009 at 9:18 am said:

    This is the same ordinance the state gov’t was screaming bloody murder about last year, right?

  2. l3wis on July 20, 2009 at 12:06 pm said:

    Yup. I think the State has been chomping at the bit to have the SC look at the constitutionality of Home-Rule.

  3. l3wis on July 21, 2009 at 5:38 am said:

    I see the Gargoyle Leader gets it wrong about this case in their editorial today, it is not about VL it is about HOME-RULE. They really need to grow a brain;

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