Mr. PP responds to my post that I have since deleted.

I made a quip about how Pat might not be an advocate for Birth Control if he gets elected to the State House because he has seven kids. Guess what, it was a joke. It reminds me when I was at this farm auction once and these two farmers were talking, and the old one says to the other “How many kids you got now?” and the one farmer replies, “Eight with another on the way.” and the other farmer replies “Whadda, some kind of Sex Addict?” I still laugh about that to this day.

The comments in Pat’s post really had me rolling. First off I would like to say, I wouldn’t vote for Pat if he had zero to 100 kids. He’s a Republican and it is against my religion to vote for Republicans (everyone knows, Jesus was a liberal.) Secondly, I’m no Al Gore Green movement freak, I am however a strong advocate of repsponsible family planning. You can read into that however you want. I’m sure Pat is a fine parent (Todd Epp pointed that out) and I am sure they are well-provided for.

But did anyone get the joke? Well some of you did.

and BTW, they are letting me use the computer lab all summer at school so I can keep my blogs on the internets. Woo-Hoo.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Once again, the right doesn’t get it.”
  1. L3wis,

    I had originally taken your post as a joke, as I noted on my website. Trust me, you don’t have to have your sense of humor removed to register Republican.

    But the comments you made in follow-up were what sucked the humor out of it for me, and anyone with a normal moral compass. Actually saying that “Personally, if I saw someone running for office that has seven kids, they would not get my vote” would give most people on the face of the planet the distinct impression that you have something against big families.

    I know that’s wrong. And you clearly you figured that out as well from your actions in removing the post, and coming up with the throw away line that “the right doesn’t get it” in order to deflect the criticism of your statement.

    Respectfully, I disagree. You didn’t get it, and got scolded.

    Now that you do get it, blaming me is better than shouldering responsibility and saying you were wrong.

    But, that’s ok. I forgive you.

  2. silly, silly boy.

    i’m not sure i “get it” either, but then, would anybody really WANT to get you?! just when we start to kind of think you are serious, you hit us with this kind of buffoonery.

    way to go PP, you are a solid citizen from the sound of your comments.

  3. Lewis, what you did was attack his family. While your intent was meant to be a joke, your statement was quite clear: you don’t respect his family decision. This isn’t about Pat being a conservative politically. You criticized him personally.

  4. Pat and Scott:

    I think the bigger issue is should candidates use their families (of whatever size) in their campaign ads. Our families are willing, semi-willing, or unwilling participants in our attempts at electoral glory. When we put them in our ads (and yes Pat, I know it’s done all the time), we open them to criticism, rightly or wrongly.

    I’m not sure what I would do in your shoes. You have a great family. But what does it have to do with your ability to be a good legislator? A little bit, to be sure, but it’s not an overwhelming reason to vote for or against you. You’re the one going to Pierre with a vote, not them.

    If faced with the same issue, I’m not sure what I’d do. I love my family too and people would probably like them more than me. But on the other hand, I’d like to shield them from as much of the b.s. that handed out as I can (And Scott, that’s not a dig at you.)

    So, boys, kiss and make up in a manly sort of way.

    Best regards,

    SD Watch

  5. Well, I guess I never thought that deep about it, but you do make a good point Todd. It reminds me of a few years ago when Dick ‘sore loser’ Kelly was running, and he put a picture of him and his Boston Terrier on postcards and billboards. I thought it was funny, because if I ran for office, I would have to do the same thing, and people might confuse me for him . . . yeah right.

    I was just trying to make a point about birth control, and our state legislators that are hell-bent on making it less accessible, and Pat’s ad fit so well with the assumption that most Republican lawmakers in our state are against birth control (or they are sex-addicts*)

    *Just for the record, that was satire)

  6. Troy – Nice spin job, but I wouldn’t expect anything less from you. But let’s take the clothes out of the washing machine;

    I was making a bigger point about birth control legislation and Republicans in this state, and since Pat is a candidate, he has opened himself up for criticism, I think he would most likely agree with me on that. I never once said anything about his family, he’s the one that decided to put them in an ad and post it on his website. As Todd pointed out, whether he thought about it or not, he brought them into the political relm by using them in an ad. I think the ad says “Vote for Pat Powers”, seems like the photo of his family is being used as a promotional tool. I have worked in advertising for almost 16 years, trust me, I know props when I see them. And yes, I do disagree with supposed conservative views on family planning and birth control, I think that is pretty f’ing obvious if you visit this site from time to time.

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