
Thune is pissing a great opportunity to do the right thing down his leg over the above picture. Pitiful.

Of course John Thune is voting against Judge Sotomayor, for all the wrong reasons;

WASHINGTON – Senator John Thune announced today he would vote against Supreme Court Nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor and released the following statement:

After this review I have concluded that Judge Sotomayor has consistently advanced a narrow view of the Second Amendment,

No, I think you have a very broad view of the 2nd Amendment and it’s intended purpose, why else would 400 mayors team together against you;

A group representing more than 400 U.S. mayors is urging Congress to defeat a measure — one that could come to a vote today in the U.S. Senate — that would require states granting concealed weapons permits to honor permits issued by any other state.

Whether concealed weapons laws reduce crime is a hotly contested issue, but Sen. John Thune, the South Dakota Republican who proposed the measure, says the laws are effective.

“Since criminals are unable to tell who is and who is not carrying a firearm just by looking at a potential victim,” he said, “they are less likely to commit crimes when they fear that they may come in direct contact with an individual who is armed.”

WTF? Whose butt did you pull that from? Was it written on the back of a check from the NRA? Criminals are criminals. They will attack the armed and the unarmed if they are determined to commit a crime. Though I support 2nd amendment rights, I do so for recreational and protection purposes, not because you have fantasies of returning us back to the wild west. As the Mayor’s point out:

“Ambiguity as to the legality of firearm possession could lead to confusion among police officers that could result in catastrophic incidences,” the mayors write. “Congress should be working to make the job of a police officer more safe, not less.”

But John’s vote against Sotomayor gets even more freaking delusional with this statement;

Judge Sotomayor has also had seven of her 10 decisions reviewed by the Supreme Court overturned,

What John fails to mention is it is a Conservative leaning court, and secondly that Sotomayor has had ONLY 7 of her decisions overturned by the SC which is amazing since she has made thousands and thousands of decisions. I happened to watch a good portion of the hearings, I didn’t agree with everything Sotomayor had to say, but I did find her to be incredibly intelligent, forthright and honest in her answers. I also recall she has more experience then any other SC nominee in 100 years, even more then that whack job Scalia. I remember the 2nd Amendment line of questioning, she in no way said she would vote against 2nd Amendment rights, in fact, I found her answers to be quite balanced on the issue, unlike John’s view which is extremely slanted towards one of his campaign contributors, the NRA. I suggest Thune watch ‘Bowling for Columbine’ then reconsider his vote.

What a tool.

H/T- Randall on the Mayor’s reference

13 Thoughts on “No longer Ironic Johnny, more like predictable Johnny

  1. Not A Sheep on July 20, 2009 at 7:06 pm said:

    You mean this guy?


    If you haven’t seen the C Street Family on Rachel Maddow, you should read up on them. People thought Rev. Wright was a problem for Obama? Thune might have one of his own.

  2. John2 on July 20, 2009 at 8:12 pm said:

    but, but, but aren’t these right wingnuts the flower children of states’ rights . . . and against the federal gubermint telling the states what to do . . .

    oh, the dripping hypocrisy

    BTW Sotomayor had 7 decisions overturned because she was following established and settled law. The right wing activist Supreme Court was making new law – over-turning laws established by congress, the president and past Supreme Courts. Activist judges are evil – until they are right wing activist judges . . .

  3. Costner on July 20, 2009 at 9:12 pm said:

    Well first let me say I have no problem with Sotomayor and I knew Thune’s vote a long time before he announced it, however the comment about “400 Mayors” is a little silly.

    In a nation with tens of thousands of cities, it isn’t shocking to find 400 that would be willing to put their name on anything.

    Frankly I think it is long past due that concealed weapons permits are treated just like driver’s licenses…they work in other states. Controlling legally registered gun owners is in no way going to reduce gun crime. We’ve tried it… it doesn’t work – probably because those committing all the crime don’t register their guns or worry about obtaining permits.

    Shocking huh?

  4. l3wis on July 21, 2009 at 5:21 am said:

    I still think states should be able to regulate gun use. Thune’s amendment obviously takes that right away. He is basically telling the rest of the country, what’s good enough for SD is good enough for the rest of yah. As Howard Dean said about state’s rights in reference to the 2nd Amendment during his presidential campaign (paraphrasing), “A shotgun owner in rural Tennessee is different then a shotgun owner in urban Compton California.”

  5. l3wis on July 21, 2009 at 5:25 am said:

    Not a Sheep- I watched Maddow last night, scary shit. It’s too bad our local media isn’t all over this stuff. What an interesting story that our very own John Thune is ‘palling around’ with these guys . . .

  6. Ghost of Dude on July 21, 2009 at 6:18 am said:

    Frankly I think it is long past due that concealed weapons permits are treated just like driver’s licenses…they work in other states. Controlling legally registered gun owners is in no way going to reduce gun crime. We’ve tried it… it doesn’t work – probably because those committing all the crime don’t register their guns or worry about obtaining permits.

    Bingo. You win on all points.

    It’s actually easier to obtain a firearm illegally (and probably cheaper too)than to go through the background checks needed for a CCP to carry around a pistol.

    “A shotgun owner in rural Tennessee is different then a shotgun owner in urban Compton California.”

    However, both shotgun owners have the right to own that shotgun so long as they aren’t felons.

  7. l3wis on July 21, 2009 at 6:36 am said:

    Well you can’t have it both ways. You either let the Feds regulate the 2nd Amendment or states. I would prefer states did it. I think we will be opening a can of worms and many unneeded court cases by clouding that line.

  8. Costner on July 21, 2009 at 6:48 am said:

    “I still think states should be able to regulate gun use.”

    Thats the point – our Constitution dictates we have the right to bear arms, and as such the federal government AND the states shouldn’t be attempting to control every aspect of it anyway.

    It’s been a few years since I actually read the Constitution and Bill of Rights word for word, but I don’t recall it saying we have the right to bear arms “assuming we live in a state that says it is ok and have obtained the necessary background check, paid for the license, applied for the permit, ensured the government knew the serial number of any or all firearms registered in our names, sign for and register each and every box of ammunition we wish to purchase, and provide fingerprints to the respective state and federal authorities that can and will be used against us if our firearm is ever stolen and used in a crime regardless of whether or not we actually had anything to do with said crime”.

    Now that said I can understand interpreting what it means to “bear arms” on a federal level. I can understand drawing a distinction between small arms and ground to air missles or land mines for personal defense. However that line should be defined on the federal level, and the states (and cities) should not be able to dictate who can and cannot own firearms and/or what types of firearms they are allowed to possess.

  9. l3wis on July 21, 2009 at 9:38 am said:

    Well it needs to be one or the other, that’s for sure. Thune is trying to push SD laws on the rest of the country, that is not fair. A better approach would be to propose a bill that makes gun laws federal only, otherwise just leave it as is.

  10. Costner on July 21, 2009 at 11:28 am said:

    Actually we already have concealed carry reciprocity with several other states. Here is a current list according to Chris Nelson:

    Florida (including non-resident permits)*
    North Carolina*
    North Dakota (including non-resident permits)
    Tennessee (including non-resident permits)*
    Utah (including non-resident permits)*

    Other states have agreements with even more states and there are a bunch of agreements that are pending to the point you need a friggin’ laminated 8×10 double sided card to figure it all out.

    It is almost as if a honest gun owner needs to stop at the border of each state to call ahead and figure out if they are legally allowed to carry a concealed weapon – and that is what this bill seems to want to clarify.

    I actually think this makes sense and would simply things greatly. However I’d go a step further – just let the feds issue the permits in the first place so it can be used in all 50 states and can be tracked more easily so we can perhaps prevent convicted felons or mentally unstable individuals from obtainin the permits just as we are supposed to prevent them from buying the guns in the first place.

    Then again I say the same thing about driver’s licences too… and that will never happen either.

  11. Plaintiff Guy on July 22, 2009 at 12:32 am said:

    The common denominator here is NRA support. Democrats will stop passage but Thune will get extra kiss ass credit on this one.

  12. l3wis on July 22, 2009 at 5:16 am said:

    I found this story funny, Munson doesn’t even know what orgs he belongs to, explains a lot about how he governs the city;


  13. Plaintiff Guy on July 22, 2009 at 8:42 am said:

    I’m surprised anyone would invite him to their orgy. Oh yea, orgs. You mean organisms. Nobody would want to remember they are defined as swine flu.

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