The daring duo came up with this one, and I added a tender touch. It really made me laugh, because I always get a kick out how Obama supporters are so cultish. Um, he’s just another presidential candidate promising shit he can’t deliver.

By l3wis

9 thoughts on “Che’ Bama”
  1. Scott,
    He’s going to be in SD this weekend! Aberdeen and Rapid on Sat. and then onward to Mitchell and Sioux Falls on Sunday.

    I think out of the three, he’s the pick of the litter. After these horrid 8 years, can you blame anyone for getting giddy and fired up about change?

    I’m arranging my schedule to go see him — you are welcome to meet up if you want.

  2. Not sure, you would have to ask Kerry and Stacy. I just get a kick out of all the ‘Revolutionary’ talk about HOPE and CHANGE from Obama. Why not talk about policy already . . . oh thats right, Americans are too stupid and apathetic about civics to understand. DEAN tried that, and everyone coined him as a crazy man. I will support Obama if he becomes the nominee. I think he is extremely intelligent and will make a good president. Rest assured though, his first 4 years will be a rough ride. Our Republican controlled media will be on him like stink on shit for every decision he makes.

    I got burned the first time I supported a ‘Passionate’ candidate. I still won’t watch ABC world News because of it.

  3. “Republican controlled media?”
    Some of the execs might be republicans (although no more conservative than me), but the actual reporters and grunts are probably 80% liberal – as they should be.
    Obama supporters are kinda funny, though. I was almost home from work yesterday, and had to stop for traffic where the bike trail crosses Marson Dr. A carload of teenage girls with the windows down pulls up to turn left and one of the girls in the back yells “OBAMA!” at the top of her lungs while giving me the sign language for “I love you”. I was confused for about half a block until I just broke out laughing. I almost fell off my bike.

  4. Ok I mispoke, the media conglomorates are controlled by advertisers and their money. They are very careful not to step on any toes. Why do you think chain restaurants mostly get reviewed in our daily rag, because they spend money with them. One time on CNN, Wolf Blitzer was interviewing Micheal Moore, and Moore brought up the fact that CNN never says anything too negative about the war or global warming because they have advertisers like Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Clean Coal of America. Wolf tried to ignore him. It was funny.

    I was a Deaniac, but I never yelled out the window at people about him, I did however scream at some people in an airplane hangar, but you couldn’t hear me very well because the crowd was so loud (should have turned off their microphone).

  5. Hey Deaniac — here’s kinda a neat sideline story of a driver’s brush with Dean.

    Corporate-owned media – another great link is Robert Kennedy Jr. describing media nowadays.

    After the McClellan book hype, we’ve got Jessica Yellin starting to spill her beans about the media killing critical news about Bush … it’s all too little, too late — but getting out there before Bubble Boy and The Penguin scamper out of the White House.

  6. I know, what Patriots, huh? Tenet, Powell, McClellan, heck even Ashcroft. Why didn’t they say anything at the time?! I think they should all be brought up on counts of treason, instead they sign book deals. Makes you sick.

  7. Not a McCain supporter. I’d rather suck wax fruit.
    The toon was simply a jab at all of the wierdo Obama supporters that rally around “Change”. If Obama would come right out and start talking policy instead of pandering to the masses with rock laced media spots, he wouldn’t be such an easy target. and this one was pretty easy…
    nice tweak on the color Lewis…. I also thought the toon would be good with “¡CAMBIO!”(change) at the top instead of “revolucion!”

  8. I like Obama and I respect Che Guevara. Try not to read to much into it. Godzilla made me do it.

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